Recent content by Ryan Ziolkowski

  1. R

    Need help choosing a receiver

    Thanks much for the reply! The receiver would probably be about 60% gaming, 30% movies, and 10% music. The music being mostly rock, alternative, and acoustic. The speakers are sony, but they are so old i couldn't even tell you the model (but speaker recommendations would also be appreciated)...
  2. R

    Need help choosing a receiver

    Hello! Currently i am using a blue ray player home theater system combo as my "receiver" which creates a latency that i just can't stand anymore. I notice that movies are now starting to be made with true 7.2 as opposed to where a 7.2 receiver would try to simulate the sound. So i would prefer...
  3. R

    PC Sound Latency Problem

    im not sure if youll get those notification but i have one more question. is it possible to get a self powered subwoofer, and then get some converter cables to connect it directly in to my sound card?
  4. R

    PC Sound Latency Problem

    thanks ill look into that!
  5. R

    PC Sound Latency Problem

    No luck on the lip sync setting or anything like that. Thanks for making me aware, and yes unfortunately i see the sub does not have any external power so that wouldn't be compatible. So now id be looking into full systems, how do either of these look...
  6. R

    PC Sound Latency Problem

    Hi everyone! So basically i have have a problem with sound latency and its more than a slight one, the person on the screen will say a word with there mouth and the sound wont come out until they start or are halfway through their next word. Just to give you an idea of how long it is as for...