Need help choosing a receiver

Ryan Ziolkowski

Apr 21, 2013

Currently i am using a blue ray player home theater system combo as my "receiver" which creates a latency that i just can't stand anymore.

I notice that movies are now starting to be made with true 7.2 as opposed to where a 7.2 receiver would try to simulate the sound. So i would prefer to go with a 7.2 receiver as i wish to have it a little future proof.

i have three receivers in mind, id prefer not to go with the Yamaha as it is significantly more expensive, but may be willing if anyone finds it extremely worth it.

Im not really looking for bells and whistles here such as like this airplay or apple TV hookup or any of that, but i would get a receiver with these extras if it had a feature that would seem necessary.

so with that being said, the main purpose of this receiver would be to hook up to my PC to use my PC as a multimedia device i.e. gaming, movies, streaming, and music.

and here are the receivers i have found...

and now for a couple miscellaneous questions...

I read somewhere that digital optical cable will not carry 7.2 sound, so i would have to use HDMI from my graphics card to connect to the receiver and then the receiver to the TV. (which i think these receivers do 4k up-scaling and pass through which is a feature i would like to have).

Now im wondering will my graphics card send out 7.2 surround if i were to watch a movie, or would the receiver just create a 7.2 sound from what the card puts out. The card is a Sapphire 7970.

and finally... right now i only have 5.1 speakers and im just wondering if it will be a problem if i use only a 5.1 setup until i get 7.1 speakers?

wow, sorry for the lengthy post, and thanks in advance to any help i receive!
I have an Onkyo receiver as part of my HT and I am very happy with the performance. I also have experience with yahama and have found them to be good as well. In order to make any kind of recommendation I need to know a couple things. Is this only for movies or do you plan to listen to music on this setup? If so what type of music? What brand and model of speakers? How big is the room and how loud do you listen?

As far as your questions. You need HDMI to pass 7.1 (or 7.2) audio signals. Your video card should be able to output both as long as the playback software supports it. You will be fine using 5.1 speakers for now, just make sure to setup your receiver with that configuration.

I'll admit I do not have a any experience with any content encoded in true. 7.2. I have only seen the benefit of 7.2 receivers when using the auto calibration microphone to help ute the system to your room.
Thanks much for the reply!

The receiver would probably be about 60% gaming, 30% movies, and 10% music. The music being mostly rock, alternative, and acoustic. The speakers are sony, but they are so old i couldn't even tell you the model (but speaker recommendations would also be appreciated) As for room size, it will be dorm for a few years and then apartment, but i really wanna buy the thing for down the road so i would like it to do just fine in a mid to large sized room. Same as for loudness, for the next years i wouln't even to be able to have it too loud, but would like it to be able to get loud for down the road.

and Great im glad the video card should be able to do the job and i will definitely use that auto calibration!
