Recent content by ryanegeiger

  1. ryanegeiger

    Solved! HDTV LCD's for PC Gaming/Multimedia

    From what I've seen, the price for size/spec ratio of Samsung's don't lend itself to the "Best Bang for the Buck" mantra... most of the models are premium priced, unless you know something I don't?
  2. ryanegeiger

    Facebook Launches "Zero" Mobile Website

    I can hear it now. "We took Facebook users, blindfolded them and had them try our new Facebook Zero alongside regular Facebook to see if they could tell the difference." "Facebook Zero, same great taste, zero-calories, all full of Face-y Book-y goodness!" The real question? Why not just...
  3. ryanegeiger

    Solved! HDTV LCD's for PC Gaming/Multimedia

    From what I see, Samsung is a bit outside my price range right now sadly enough.
  4. ryanegeiger

    Solved! HDTV LCD's for PC Gaming/Multimedia

    I'm looking for people that are familiar and currently using HDTV's (not large TN LCD Monitors) for PC Gaming and Multimedia applications to make a couple suggestions. Here are some factors I'd like to balance out in the suggestions: 1. Resolution (720p/1080p) 2. Price (looking for $349-$699)...
  5. ryanegeiger

    Study: iPhone Users Are Delusional

    This is exactly the (no offense) narrow vision that companies like Microsoft and Apple count on. The fact remains that most SmartPhones in the world run Symbian (read: Nokia), which if you don't "take seriously" would show a serious short-sightedness on anyone's part. RIM (a.k.a. Blackberry) is...
  6. ryanegeiger

    Study: iPhone Users Are Delusional

    Okay, tried to be PC about this (no pun intended), but here's the facts: - iPhone users shove their phone in your face like pictures of their newborn child, I've never had a Blackberry or WinMo device shown off to me before unless I asked to see it, it's simply a different mentality. - iPhone...
  7. ryanegeiger

    Study: iPhone Users Are Delusional

    While there is no 'agreed on definition' for "smartphone," you would at least think that the definition evolves with the platform. If one Smartphone multitasks, then the next generation of smartphones should multitask, etc. I'd say the exception to this is form-factor and input method; i.e...
  8. ryanegeiger

    Study: iPhone Users Are Delusional

    I can't believe people defending the iPhone say that "Jailbreaking solves these issues." In this you are admitting that reverse engineering the iPhone software is the only thing that solves the issues that it has out-of-the-box. That's like saying, "the Toyota Corolla isn't slow as long as...
  9. ryanegeiger

    Modern Warfare 2 Tops Entertainment Industry

    This is how the PC Gaming world ends... not with a whimper, but with a bang.
  10. ryanegeiger

    Report: Apple Pitching $30/mo iTunes TV Service

    taybryanegeiger -Could you point out a single cable or satellite company that offers everything you said for a reasonable price? It doesn't exist so I don't know why you would expect Apple (or anyone) to be able to deliver all of those features at $30. This is designed to replace high-end cable...
  11. ryanegeiger

    Report: Apple Pitching $30/mo iTunes TV Service

    Here's what they would have to offer: 1. Full HD Content, as in 1080p. Without broadcast constraints, there's no reason that a computer-based TV service should not have 1080p content as an option. 2. Premium content at no extra charges. That means HBO, Cinemax, etc. No additional fees...
  12. ryanegeiger

    Ergonomic Gear For A Better Life

    I agree... what about trackballs?
  13. ryanegeiger

    Nintendo: New, Big DSi Coming Next Month

    I'm actually happy they're doing it. My mom has wanted one for a long time but can't see the screen without her glasses. Now I can get her Brain Age and Professor Layton (two games shes been dying to play) and she can enjoy them. This was Nintendo realizing their customer target for the DS...
  14. ryanegeiger

    Blogger Denied Benefits Because of Ad Revenue

    It's just a shame she got 'punished' for trying to be honest about what she's making. If she'd have kept quiet, the amount of money wouldn't have even shown up on the radar. I'd be more inclined to be upset if she was receiving full UE benefits AND making extra money on 'the side'...
  15. ryanegeiger

    Enraged Starcraft Player Stabs Random Girl

    People are overlooking the real culprit. Maybe he was angry because his ISP dropped his connection for the 1,132,639th time. Please change headline to "Shoddy ISP's cause people to stab other people." Sounds like an FPS'er trying to play an RTS anyway. Go with what you know people. If he...