Recent content by sharkas90

  1. S

    i really wish to play that game ;(

    ok good new is i managed to raise FPS up to 28 by tweaking the BMsystemsettings config file but still the shadows are on and still there blur ... but at least my theory proved right . all i need is some help from a professional plsss - it will work :D
  2. S

    i really wish to play that game ;(

    @supernina12, ya i know thanks for remindind.. but i was hoping for some tweaking to the graphics config file maybe turning off some features would help. i've tried it several times before in some games and it works . thanks for ur answer anyway :)
  3. S

    i really wish to play that game ;(

    i've bought arkham knight and installed it .. when i tried to play it i encountered a huge amount of lags and the game is barely running i guess its running at 12-18 fps and i re-checked that with the benchmark in game, ive tried to tinker with the config file turned off ever extra feature like...
  4. S

    cCleaner free Space Wipe problem

    @ameehhaddad, i've tried found no missing files to recover @hang-the-9, the free disk space is lower than it used to be .
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    cCleaner free Space Wipe problem

    so no other way than that ?? :(
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    cCleaner free Space Wipe problem

    im on win 7 64 sp1 enterprise .. i used cCleaner's wipe free space feature and the 50 Gigabytes of the system partition is gone and cant get it back .. i tried to move some files their size were around 35 gigabyte so i should see that there is 35gb freed but there was only 20 gigabytes . this...