Recent content by simple_inhibition

  1. S

    New Apple Patent Filing Squeezes Touch Apps

    bystanderI find it funny that these Apple type articles have nothing but thumbs down for all comments that are for Apple, against Apple, or anything else that doesn't make sense. What is the point? to keep the trolling out of the pertinent articles?
  2. S

    Angry Birds Cookbook for Egg Lovers On the Way

    Activision 2.0..... /facepalm
  3. S

    U.S. Soldier in Afghanistan Got $16,000 AT&T Bill

    bah! no editing feature. the correction i wish to make is to explain my payment plan a bit better. i was going to pay $500 every 2 weeks until the entire bill was paid off
  4. S

    U.S. Soldier in Afghanistan Got $16,000 AT&T Bill

    I had the same thing happen to me when i was deployed in 06-07. had att before i had left and they said that the international plan was $4.95 a month. they never mentioned the $3.50 a minute charge to me. so after 1 month, i was hit with a $3000 phone bill and cancelled phone service. not a...
  5. S

    Smaller iPad Rumor Resurfaces

    im guessing steve is PO'd that he has to change his iPad to better suit the heavy flow of the market.
  6. S

    Blizzard Banning SC2 Single-Player Cheaters Too?

    Just wait for blizzard to start banning SC2 players for being korean... 0.o
  7. S

    Each Facebook User Worth $50 to the Company

    only $50 per person? dumbf**ks LOL
  8. S

    Sales for Tiger Woods PGA Game Plummeting

    EA: "because we released more or less the same game, but changed the year and subtracted the motionplus controller the game is selling worse. fortunately we have tiger's scandals to lay the blame on to cover our ass." and that is exactly how the board meeting went down on that announcement
  9. S

    Building Russia's Silicon Valley

    "And this is how you properly hold an iphone 4 Mr. President."
  10. S

    Guy Uses Craigslist to Trade Phone Up to Porsche

    kid needs to learn to do it himself. i would say no more than $40 for the oil and filter and maybe 2hrs time (for the first time) for an oil change done by himself. dunno about the tune up, depends on how much of a PITFA it is to get to the plugs
  11. S

    DARPA to Turn Humans into Batteries

    I believe in you Neo
  12. S

    Facebook: We Do a ''Reasonable Job'' on Privacy

    I still wouldnt mind to see this jackass get mule kicked in the baby maker
  13. S

    PICTURED: Motorola DROID Shadow Found at Gym

    I wonder how much was paid for this picture....