Recent content by swatigul

  1. S

    Need help on slow laptop

    I have two old laptops- First one is a compaq presario v6000 core2 duo (prob: gets too slow most times, sometimes has issues connecting to wi-fi) Purchased in 2008 Second one is a dell vostro core2 duo, (prob: screen hinge damaged, gets slow at times) My main work is to write reports for a...
  2. S

    need help with laptop

    I did try installing win 7 and/or using firefox and it didnt help much. If i open my borwser and music player and say a word file or so all together, it slows down. i need to wait after i click anything. My lappy has a 504 MB RAM. would upgrading only that help?
  3. S

    need help with laptop

    I need to buy a laptop for my work use. Usage: Need one that can handle opening multiple tabs on internet at once (my present one COMPAQ PRESARIO V6409TU hangs here), play music, videos and movies and download the same. Please suggest which processor and model i should opt.???? Options seen...