Recent content by tektek2000

  1. T

    How to Gift a Video Game from the Humble Bundle and Humble Store

    I need a How to understand HOW Tom's hardware has fallen from a pure tech site to........ fill in the blanks..
  2. T

    Google May Be Selling Nexus 7 At a Loss

    mmm I should be an analyst... since stating the obvious lately makes it to Tom's..
  3. T

    Bill Gates: Internet To Make Universities Obsolete

    Apple will optimize the learning system with its new iGrad portable education system... good job Bill.. your paving the way again for Apple.. i kid..i kidd...
  4. T

    Apple Blames Users for Exploding iPhones

    Users should stop bobbing for apples!!
  5. T

    Something Fishy with Global Gaming Factory?

    RIAA is like the old British govt.. taxing the citizens like crazy.. pirate bay are the pirates of course.. now.. the goveerment has to tax its citizens for EXTRA PROTECTION vs the pirates... hence now the RIAA and its likes need to keep the pirate bay up.. since winning millions in lawsuits...
  6. T

    Best Buy: We Don't Want Your PS3 Consoles!

    after seeing the slim... i think i've had a sudden change in my life.. I'M NOW OFFICIALLY A CHUBBY CHASER!!
  7. T

    Hackers to Reveal iPhone Security Hole Thursday

    So apples OSX is virus safe (per apple ads).. but its Iphone isnt? what am i thinking.. no way IPHONE run PC based software? I'm a PC.. i'm not safe I'm a MAC.. i never have problems I'm an IPHONE.. running vista?
  8. T

    Apple: Jailbreaking iPhone Could Crash Cell Towers

    Apples that are over 20 years of age will eventually become rotten!! so what we have here is a very very bad apple!!
  9. T

    Verizon Asks Court to Judge 3G Networks

    Ads should say.. we have a 3G network.. thats considered the best of the worst.. please do not use other world 3G networks as the standard!
  10. T

    Scientists Worry Over Super-Smart AI

    Will those robots come preloaded with bloatware?!? will they have linux support? will the MAC based version get stuck with glamourus skins and crossdressing options? I NEED ANSWERS!!!