Recent content by ubernoobie

  1. U

    Obama Says Presidential BlackBerry is ''No Fun''

    Maybe he needs a samsung galaxy S
  2. U

    Solved! Laptop vs Smartphone for College

    I would say a netbook. A smartphone will be easier to lose and 3g/4g is costly
  3. U

    Samsung's Epic 4G Shows Up in FCC Filing

    Woot!!! Go samsung and your evil mobile domination is slowly happening
  4. U

    Nokia Seeking New CEO After Stock Drops 42%

    how about them releasing the n8 earlier
  5. U

    Unlock a gtx 465 to a gtx 470? possible? (rumors)

    it's actually true if you have the right core and 10 memory chips. I believe the core is the same as the gtx 470
  6. U

    Apple, Google, and RIM All Tried to Buy Palm

    google is cool lol, omg apple is bidding, lets bid higher, nvm apple didn't have the money after giving the iphone 4s a new case
  7. U

    RIM Shows Off New Features of BlackBerry OS 6

    the gui looks like apple and android...
  8. U

    Browser Plug-In Will Delete Your Ex From Internet

    there is a easier and safer way to get rid of your ex, say sorry or a slap in the face then ditch her and say i forgot as ur excuse when she catches you. After excuse, run the **** away
  9. U

    Open Spot to Help Android Users Find Parking

    it could be a very good thing to do, if it doesn't work, you could always use something called your eyes to look for more spots
  10. U

    Six Pencils, Four Rubber Bands, One Tablet Stand

    Don't do it, if your caught by the apple police, they'll sue you for using the illegal version on the imount for ipad
  11. U

    Dutch Porn Star Offers Fellatio to Her Twitter Fans

    if netherlands loses, the porn star will probably be very happy
  12. U

    This Is How Fast Korean Starcraft Players Are

    i've already known this, my friend averages 300apm during starcraft competitively. I get around 60 and we both enjoy it, btw my friend is not asian, hes white and has better apm than my korean friend that plays WoW
  13. U

    Solar-Powered Plane Flies Even at Night

    congrats, does it carry people or what does it do?