Recent content by unclejehmimah

  1. unclejehmimah


    Go here: It's for your PC, not your mobile.
  2. unclejehmimah

    522-bz897 hard drive clicking

    Hang yourself. Just kidding LOL. Seriously though, consider that because your hard drive is aboot to die. I would suggest backing up everything, including your precious collection of kiddie porn.
  3. unclejehmimah

    Gtx 670m defected?

    You're certainly having a BBQ, but that doesn't say the chip is defective. If it were, you would be getting artifacts. Clevo is rather obscure company and I would not be surprised if they messed up. Make sure all your fans are spinning. If it gets this hot on a regular basis, that's a problem...
  4. unclejehmimah

    Tried to restore acer aspire now it wont boot

    Sounds like your hard drive is dead.
  5. unclejehmimah

    Question about GT630 & 540

    There are two versions of the 630m. This should tell you all about it.
  6. unclejehmimah

    Anonymous Threatens to Attack the Internet Sat., March 31

    I AM GOING TO TAKE THESE THREATS LIKE THEY ARE TRUTH, I WILL FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. unclejehmimah

    Hp Pavillion model dv7-3020sa shuts down within a minute of boot up

    The trick to laptops is treating every component like it's a CPU, i.e. very carefully. If you go like that, with an anti-static bracelet you should be fine. My guess is a jammed CPU fan or GPU fan. Check all the fans in the computer. Once I had a fan that was over heating (the motor was failing)...
  8. unclejehmimah

    Screen problem

    I'm wondering, could you tell me if it flickers and the lines move around, or is it stationary?