Recent content by Vanquish59

  1. V

    Sager NP8275 vs Valkyrie CZ-27

    Hi guys, here are some specs of laptops that I see are good for me. Can you guys provide additional comments? Any of you own these laptops? Are they reliable? Heating issues? Which would you recommend? I really dont want to have overheating or unstability issues with any of these at this...
  2. V

    Alienware 17 Laptop

    Problem is I dont know how to build one lol.
  3. V

    Alienware 17 Laptop

    Guys I want to know If this is a good price for a negotiated alienware 17 laptop. 1920x1080p gtx770 8gb ram core-17 4th generation If it was not clean: $2,100 with tax Negotiated Price: $1,700 clean out the door(taxes included) What do you guys think?
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    Gaming Laptop Price

    How bout upgrading from 7700 to AMD Radeon HD 8970M? I want to play Crysis 3 and Metro on ultra settings
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    Gaming Laptop Price

    So been looking around for gaming laptops around the 1200-1500 price range. From everything that I saw, I felt like this one is good. Can people please provide feedback on this model if it's good or not. I'm not very savvy with laptops. Laptop: Sager NP8275-S Display: 17.3” FHD...