Recent content by winston3338

  1. W

    Question Choice of free phone help needed

    Hi again, COLGeek. Well, I left Assurance Wireless and thought I'd take a chance with these clowns, and I applied with them, and they never answered. I went with Airtalk Wireless, who, like these fools, promise to send a choice of great phones. Well, because I'm an old man, they sent me a junk...
  2. W

    Question Choice of free phone help needed

    No they tell me my phone is out of warranty and I would need to buy one and I think that stinks. Seeing how you questioned that site, I'm not going to learn anything the hard way, it's just not worth it for an old sick guy like me. I have COPD. Thank you for bringing that up.'Im going to go with...
  3. W

    Question Choice of free phone help needed

    Hi, thanks for your reply. Well I'm 70 years old and don't have much longer so I could use it just as a telephone and use the old phone I've been using for months on line for everything else.
  4. W

    Question Choice of free phone help needed

    Hello, I was wondering if any of you had a suggestion for this free government phone website. They give a choice of about four phones. I'm 71 and I have service with Assurance Wireless and my phone died and they don't replace their bad phones. This is the site... look like a scam site