Recent content by xacrex

  1. X

    Think the 3DS is Expensive? Blame E3 Attendees

    don't follow apple's price system... I'll pay around $100 plus a free game
  2. X

    Gift Card-Cloning Thief Scams Best Buy and Apple

    @jomofro39: same thing happened to Al capone. put in jail for tax evasion
  3. X

    PICTURED: Darth Vader Robbing Long Island Bank

    The imperial march theme song playing in the background would have made this really funny
  4. X

    50 Hours: World's Longest Gaming Session

    50 hours on a PS3?!!?!?? how the heck did those PS3s not die? I was playing with my PS3 for 6 hours and 1 hour break for 2 days and it died!!!
  5. X

    Beijing Gets a 40-foot Optimus Prime

    Ill give it a couple of years before they finally figure it out how to make it move
  6. X

    First Direct Image of Alien Planet Confirmed

    isn't looking that far away is like looking into the pass? for all we know they have a death star right now
  7. X

    Class Action Suit Over iPhone 4 Reception Issues

    that's why you should never get too excited over an apple product
  8. X

    No 3DS Until March 2011; Design Could Change

    feedback: don't make cost $50 more than the DSi XL
  9. X

    The Battery Charger That's Good For You

    what's the inspiration on the idea?
  10. X

    Star Wars: Force Unleashed II - Lightsaber Action!

    I request another movie....
  11. X

    Sony Reveals PlayStation Move Gun Peripheral

    what's about Kevin Butler's talk about pretending to shoot with guns?
  12. X

    Microsoft Launches Super Glossy Xbox 360 Slim

    did they fix the RROD? or at least lessen the chances of it from happening
  13. X

    Restaurant Replaces Paper-Based Menus with iPads

    people and their apple products.