Recent content by Xaxatix

  1. X

    Buzzing/humming/clicking noise

    I don't know if this would clear any confusion or something like that but I forgot to say that only when I use the microphone those sounds appear , the headphones are working perfectly.
  2. X

    Buzzing/humming/clicking noise

    Could you explain it for the 'simpler' of people...? I couldn't understand the what the TV and internet cables have to do with it.
  3. X

    Buzzing/humming/clicking noise

    And yes I do have cable internet but the router or cable is not touchinh the headset's cable
  4. X

    Buzzing/humming/clicking noise

    Inside the computer? Because all my other wires are pretty messed up outside ^^
  5. X

    Buzzing/humming/clicking noise

    I also made a sound test ( , if you turn the volume up you can hear it.
  6. X

    Buzzing/humming/clicking noise

    Firstly hello to everyone and happy new year . Secondly I know that there are thousand of threads like this but I wanted to make sure it's not something from me. I just bought a new Hama urage xplode evo - USB Gaming headset. The sound is good , but when I test my mic I hear a humming/buzzing...