Recent content by yatys93

  1. yatys93

    Graphics Card Upgrade

  2. yatys93

    Graphics Card Upgrade

    what model laptop is it, Although most laptops can not be upgraded as the GPU is part of the motherboard.
  3. yatys93

    How can I transfer pix from camera to computer. Can I use a flash drive?

    some cameras will use the USB cable to allow you to see the images on the camera on your PC, and copy them that way, or you can take the SD card out and use a SD card reader to see the card as a USB pen stick sort of drive and just copy as you normally would.
  4. yatys93

    Audiobook file compression

    Anyone got any suggestions? I have a couple audiobooks that are over 2 gb, which is fine on my PC but kind of sucks on the iPad :P
  5. yatys93

    Tf2 how to lower your fps?

    you can try V sync and changing the refresh rate in the game, although if you PC is lagging outside the game it could be either you CPU or ram aren't up to multitasking games and other programs
  6. yatys93

    Can you replace a HP laptop screen with another screen if it is broken? I need to retrieve photos stored in my laptop.

    you can replace the screen, or if you have a tv with a VGA or HDMI and one of those ports on your laptop you can just plug a cable in and use your tv as a screen as a temp fix
  7. yatys93

    Looking for a gaming laptop for CS:GO under $850

    is there a reason you want a laptop over a desktop? out of those two I would go for the fangbook, the only downside I see there is it doesn't come with an SSD so slower boot times but you have the option to add one, but everything else is either the same or better than the other one.
  8. yatys93

    I can view the pictures on my file and my camera but does not show whenever I try to upload it on my social medias

    what format are the pictures in? sometimes facebook will be looking for 1 type of file, in the bottom right of the windows explorer window, there is a drop down menu, change that to all file types, see if that helps