Recent content by zzz_b

  1. zzz_b

    Report: Apple to Launch a Less Expensive iPhone

    You can buy an iPhone 4 for $50. Why would you need a cheaper one with even more outdated hardware? Does not make any sense to me!
  2. zzz_b

    Google Chairman Doesn't Want Spot on Obama's Cabinet

    I would not want to sit in it either, and I am not a republican!
  3. zzz_b

    Steve Jobs Movie 'jOBS' to Debut in January

    Sorry, NOT is missing :)
  4. zzz_b

    Steve Jobs Movie 'jOBS' to Debut in January

    I will watch it even when it will be on over-the-air for free!
  5. zzz_b

    25% of Android Devices Are Running Ice Cream Sandwich

    I would not say "most popular". We are stuck with it because there is no update available for the devices, except rooting and doing it yourself!
  6. zzz_b

    iPhone 5 Traffic Volume Already Beats Samsung's Galaxy S3

    First, I am not sure what is the point of this statistics. Second, maybe people who can afford these very expensive phones do not work and have more time to surf the internet?
  7. zzz_b

    Nexus 7 Magnetic Sensor Could Be Trouble for Google, Asus

    Was there at least one time that Apple didn't take to court someone that made a product that resembled any of Apples's own? I do not think so. It will be interesting. By the way, did Apple patent the magnets in general? :)
  8. zzz_b

    MIT Develops Glasses-Free 360Hz 3D Panel Using 3 LCDs

    I did not spell check mine either :) I guess!
  9. zzz_b

    MIT Develops Glasses-Free 360Hz 3D Panel Using 3 LCDs

    " ..closer to true glasses-tree 3D TV..." Does it grow in a tree? :) I gues spell check does not work on real words.
  10. zzz_b

    Smellovision is Here: 4D Tech Coming to 200 US Theaters

    Wow! You scared me away from watching a porn movie!!! :)
  11. zzz_b

    Apple Could have its Own Version of Project Glass

    Apple will have three lenses, just to be different, so it can't be sued. Product name: iSEE (you are over priced)
  12. zzz_b

    iBamboo Speaker Amplifies Sound Without Using Electricity

    I would like to know the frequency response of this. @arlandi As long it fits in the hole and has the speaker inside, it should work for any device.
  13. zzz_b

    Google May Build Bandwidth Throttling Feature Into Android

    They should make illegal the pop-ups, because that eats a lot of useless data. Yes, you can disable it, but still...
  14. zzz_b

    Verizon's HomeFusion Broadband Launches May 3

    This is a lot of money! I couldn't afford it :-( Hopefully once there will be competition in this area the price will go down.