Forum discussion tagged with 600.
  1. R

    Laptop in range 600 !

    Hi so im helping my friend to find Laptop for gaming. Budget : 650 Euro Needs : Work, Gaming
  2. Shlutka

    Best $600 Laptop w/ SSD?

    Hey! The laptop I need is for my school's FRC team (robotics). My only requirements are an SSD. Quick boot and software launch speeds are very necessary. Whatever is best for the money, thanks everyone!
  3. C

    Building Gaming Pc

    Im thinking about building my own gaming computer. I have come up with parts for the computer but I'd like some other ideas. My budget is around $600. Video card: R9 280X 3GB, Processor: Intel i% 4460, Motherboard: AM3+AMD micro ATV GA- 78LMT-USB3, 4GB ram to start, Tower: Rosewill Redbore ATX...
  4. J

    Looking for school/light gaming laptop around $600

    Hello, I'm heading off to college soon and I'm gonna be in need of a new laptop. I am looking for something to keep up with school and my outside life. I would like to be able to edit videos and use photoshop. Only games I mainly play are League of Legends and CSGO. I don't really care if the...
  5. H

    Choosing a low/medium-end gaming laptop under 600$

    Hello. Question asked a countless times, yet here it is again. I've been a PC user for my whole life so far but with the college arrival it's time to make a change. Any additional info about the models and their qualities gained through personal experience or anything else would also be...
  6. M

    Help me find a budget laptop for gaming. $600 and below

    Hey guys, I dont plan on doing very hardcore gaming. I plan to play mostly Minecraft and Runescape and maybe some Tera Online and Windows movie maker editting. I was wondering if you guys can help me find a cheap laptop. I dont mind if its a year old model or refurbished. So can anyone...
  7. J

    Best laptop for around $600 australia? Really need some help?

    Hey guys, I have been searching for a laptop for months now, but everytime I find a good one. It goes out of stock and discontinued. I would like it to be able to do some gaming but not heaps. So really something with a decent graphics card. All the ones I have seen dont have dedicated graphics...
  8. G

    I really need help choosing a laptop, thank you

    I am looking for a Gaming laptop around the 600-700$ price range I understand that I won't get something amazing but so far this is what I have found. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834231238...