
Forum discussion tagged with c100.
  1. F

    accessories for black magic micro

    I recently bought a black magic micro studio 4k. I think I'm pretty satisfied with it's 4k but it wont still convince me that it's better than my c100. I already have a monitor and recorder. the problem is I will be needing a viewfinder. are there any available viewfinder for Black magic micro?
  2. F

    does anyone know anything about anamorphic?

    alright I got my canon C100 at last. I tested it and I'm more than satisfied. but what about adding an anamorphic lens adapter? anyway if my camera can record 1920x1080 how can I use it anyway? as I know anamorphic is for camera that can record 1: 1 video right? I saw some people with anamorphot...