cmos battery

Forum discussion tagged with cmos battery.
  1. savedlema

    Question Toshiba Satellite C55-B5362 no RTC battery inside but says RTC battery dead!

    So, we have 15 Toshiba Satellite C55-B5362 laptops in use at our school. Such a strong model so far. Several laptops are now showing "RTC Batter low" at boot time.......a clear indication that the CMOS battery is dead/low. To our surprise, when the laptop was opened, there was a white painted...
  2. T

    Solved! Samsung Laptop (Notebook 9 Pro) CMOS battery location

    Where is the CMOS battery located on my Samsung Laptop Notebook 9 2015 model? I removed the main motherboard - it's not on the back of it. Thanks in advance.
  3. R

    Solved! Can I replace my CMOS battery CR2320 with a CR2032 or can this harm the notebook?

    My CMOS/RTC battery in my HP notebook is down, and it's a rather rare CR2320 with wires. Ordering this item takes 2 weeks. Instead, I could order a CR2032 with wires within 2 days. When both are 3 Volt and the CR2032 fits into the case just fine, is this okay to do or can it harm the notebook?
  4. X

    Laptop can`t load BIOS

    Recentrly was playing with bios, added custom boot option on my ASUS K56CM to Clover bootloader. Now ASUS logo wont show up, screen is black, can`t do anything. Power light is green, laptop cooling is working. Dismounted laptop HDD and SSD. Tried to unplug CMOS battery, but i unplugged cmos...
  5. K

    Where can I find the cmos battery on my Toshiba Satellite L55

    Where can I find the CMOS battery on the toshiba satellite L55