Core Temp

Forum discussion tagged with Core Temp.
  1. F

    BSOD's after updating Nvidia drivers! High Temps too! [ASUS GL552VW]

    Hello eveybody. It all started almost a week ago when I updated the Nvidia drivers for my laptop graphic card. Since then, I've been experiencing a lot of types of BSOD (blue screen of death), to what I think it is with the Nvidia graphics card. The BSOD are DRIVER POWER STATE FAILURE...
  2. P

    refubished hp stream 14 laptop, not tech savvy & don't know if its overheating/crashing

    okay, first off let me start by saying I am not tech savvy at all, and I'd just like to know whether I should return this new computer or not. I bought a refurbished fanless HP Stream 14. Last night it started getting hot, the video playback got very choppy, and i had to shut it off and let it...
  3. P

    CPU monitoring programs - Safe to use "Core Temp" from ALCPU? RealTemp or CoreTemp?

    Hey, I wanted to ask whether you, if you have used Core Temp or CPU-Z, have experienced crashes / data loss, or whether it has damaged your system? Because the ones who made the "Core Temp" program put in the disclaimers that there is a possibility for crashes, etc. I downloaded and...
  4. S

    Laptop CPU (i7 6700HQ) reaching 100 degrees! What should i do

    I own a Dell Inspiron 7559 i7. Recently i decided to bench it. I noticed that it reachces 100 degrees. It doent even thermal throttle.
  5. sm1ley

    Most accurate CPU temperature measuring software?

    Hello, So i own an AMD A10 6800K APU paired with R7 250X Vapor-X 1GB My question is what is the most accurate software to check CPU temps? Because i dont want to restart my PC just to go to the Bios to check temps! HWMonitor says one temp ,AMD Overdrive other , Bios third! NOTE:The GPU temp is...
  6. P

    Asus ROG G752VY CPU Temp spikes when opening programs

    Have had this Laptop for about 1.2 months now. I'm very impressed with it's performance and the supposed "Vapor chamber", which keeps the GPU below 70 degrees consistently. However the CPU is obviously having issues: During demanding games it runs between mid 70s to almost 80 degrees which...
  7. P

    Laptop instantly shuts off as if overheating despite normal temperatures.

    So my laptop is pretty old and has recently been overheating on pretty much every game. I know all the common issues being thermal paste/fans not working/dust buildup. I clear it of dust buildup regularly, it's like new in that regard. I replaced the main fan not too long ago and it's working...
  8. M

    Acer aspire laptop

    I do not know what is wrong with my laptops but when I watch TV shows I have downloaded like say (King of The Hill) (American Dad) (Family Guy) (That 70s Show) and a bunch more. My laptop won't shut off unexpectedly, but if I watch a movie like (Fast 7) (Get Hard) and a bunch bunch more, my...
  9. Sudiir12345

    GPU temps up to 85 C!!! is is good or not? - Lenovo G510 - AMD Radeon R7 - Intel i7 4700mq

    I have a Lenovo G510 mid ranged gaming laptop Specs: i7 4700mq 6 GB ram 1 TB HDD AMD Radeon R7 m265 Intel HD graphics I used MSI afterburner to record my GPU and CPU temp while gaming and i came across this: GPU temps NFS most wanted 2012 : 85 C ( after 15 minutes o f gaming) GTA 5 : 66...
  10. D

    What is a good CPU temp for an ROG Asus G750JW

    Hi guys, Forgive this very silly question, I have googled and all I seem to find is what temps are to high for this laptops CPU cores, but I have yet to see anyone say what is a good temp. So I just wanted to ask, my cores tend to run about 60C -70C all the time which I am pretty sure is OK...
  11. Man1ac123

    Is this temperature safe?

    So i recently installed Core Temp because i game on my laptop ( link dont know if this works since its a portuguese link) and the surface gets so hot that i cant even touch it and im scared. For example when im using it for watching videos its on the 50-60ºC, if i plug my pc to the tv to watch...
  12. X

    High temps on Sager 8275/Clevo P170SM

    Hi guys, I spilled liquid on my sager laptop about a year ago, it was fried. It needed a mobo replacement which costs me an arm and leg lol. But here's the thing, after it got back from the repair shop i noticed the temps were a bit higher than before the spill. I didn't think much of it...
  13. XtremeAero426

    Core Temp Can't read temp on AMD Athlon II X4 760K

    Coretemp, CPU Thermometer, AND HW Monitor can't read my cpu temp. I googled this but all I was led to was a thread saying that the user needed to unlock his CPU, however, the 760K already comes unlocked... right? Motherboard: MSI A88X-G45 GAMING FM2+ Update: So I finally found a solution...
  14. R

    Should i believe Everest or Core Temp ??

    Hello community Today i installed Everest and to check the temperatures of the processor i noticed that they are: Core1-36,Core2-35,Core3-34,Core4-34 and CPU-50.But when i checked Core Temp it was:Core0-46,Core1-45,Core2-44,Core3-43.So whitch one should i believe??:??:
  15. T

    Monitoring CPU temps using MSI Afterburner?

    This may very well be a noob question, but I'm a bit confused in this part: There are 8 "Cpu" temperatures that I can monitor and I'm guessing those are cores right? So if I have an I7 4770(non K) How many of those graphs do I need to select so I can monitor all...
  16. M

    Suddent laptop overheating

    I have i laptop that for 2 years operated just fine in all aspects. Suddenly while i was playing bf3 at the summer it shut down. From that day even on very old and not demanding games like dead space 1 or lol. The temperature goes really high. I have on a flat surface with a 2 fan cooling base...
  17. AGove4123Sonnnnn

    120° CPU!? Who wants scrambled eggs?

    Hey hardware buffs! I have an HP Pavillion M6, I know HP's laptops are known to run hot, but Speedfan and Cpuid are both showing a CPU temp in the realm of 120° C and a similarly ridiculous MoBo temp. My computer runs OK, but under any stress kicks off immediately and comes back with a BSOD...
  18. J

    New System, What testing software should i get????

    Basically ive just built a new gaming rig and would like to know what the best software is to fully test my system before i start using it? I've heard HWmonitor is great but would like to know some more recommendations!
  19. S

    Toshiba L655 Temp

    hi guys just asking about my laptop temperature i have a toshiba l655-11u core i3 350m 3 gb ram hd 5145 my minimum temps are 45 for cpu & 50 for GPU max : 70 Cpu & 75 GPU so are these temps hight or normal ?! thanks alot
  20. O

    Suggestions to deal with Laptop overheating

    I have a rather old laptop which runs puppylinux off usb and has no harddrive. With 2 programs running, SeaMonkey (essentially Firefox) and Psensor (a hardware temperature sensor for linux) this thing is clocking in at a range of 83 ± 5 °C. I have two tabs open in SeaMonkey, on and one...
  21. grebgonebad

    Core Temp causing PC to freeze/crash?

    Hi everyone! Ok, as the title suggests, I ahve a problem with Core Temp. Basically, my PC had recently started freezing shortly after logging into windows, and after checking the Task Manager, it was always at around 47-50 seconds up-time. I couldnt figure out what was causing this, but then I...
  22. J

    temp programs not reading accurately

    i have two temp program,s are runing and they have the same temp but it says its colder than the temp in my house i have hardwear monitor and core temp both reading between 14-18C at idle
  23. urbancamper

    Core Temp Causing BSOD

    This is not a question this is a statement. About 2 months ago i started to get random bsods right after windows would open. I was using both All CPU Meter on my desktop and CoreTemp to monitor temps in All CPU Meter. What would happen is after the computer would start sometimes one of the...
  24. R

    core temp. rises

    when i run windows 8 in laptop core temperature rises to 59 degree c in ideal condition without running any application.
  25. F

    Core temp installed yahoo tab in chrome

    i tried installing core temp and i declined everything but when i open up chrome a second tab with yahoo opens too. how can i stop this? there isnt anything from yahoo in extensions and uninstalled everything related to core temp. im lost
  26. B

    Core temp 1.0 question

    my buddy just downloaded core temp 1.0 but his only shows the temp for core #0 its bland for the other 3 but it shows the load on each core whats up?? hes got a phenom ii x4 805
  27. JDRUM

    Coret temp

    Hello, How accurate is the core temp program , on an asus crosshair v with a x6 1100t chip?
  28. A

    Solved! Core temp and charging my iPod touch

    Hi I was wondering if it was normal that my core temp raises by about 8 to 10 degrees while charging my iPod touch via USB port. The core temp stays around 58 degrees the entire charge cycle about two hours for a full charge is this normal. Thanks
  29. E

    Is Core Temp v.93 Accurate?

    I have installed SpeedFan, Core Temp, and Gigabyte's EasyTune5. Core Temp reads my cpu being 37 degrees, SpeedFan says it's either 39 or 27 (I know it is either Temp1 or 2) degrees, and EasyTune5 says my cpu is 27 degrees and my "system," which I have no idea what means, is 39 degrees. One of...