dim display

Forum discussion tagged with dim display.
  1. E

    Question Laptop screen goes very dim when moved(HP Pavillion 15: tpn-c125)

    I'm helping a friend of mine with fixing his HP laptop which is only about a year and a half old. I would really appreciate any input on how to solve this problem. When I turn the laptop on, the screen is on but its so dim that you can barely see it. Only when you wiggle the laptop cover up and...
  2. M

    Solved! Dell Inspiron 15 7559 - Very Dim Screen

    This issue is driving me completely insane. About a month and a half ago, the screen on this laptop went very dim. I had been using the laptop when I left my apartment to go and do something. I didn't shut the laptop off or anything, and when I came back I noticed that the screen had gone black...