
Forum discussion tagged with downscaling.
  1. CntrlAltDel

    Websites that support 1600x900 res

    I'd like to know if there are any video hosting websites that support 1600x900 resolution without downscaling to 720p or upscaling to 1080p. Both downscaling and upscaling aggressively distorts the quality of the video which causes quite a bit of strain on the eyes over long periods of time. The...
  2. showmedigital

    Downscaling 1080 to 720 to get better quality image.

    Hello people. This thread may not be appropriate for the form, but ill try any ways. Downscaling 4k video to 1080 you can get a ProRes quality and then put it on a BD and enjoy the awesomeness.. Now, I shoot mostly at 1080 (4k is waaaaay to expensive and there is too much hassle) Question is...