19" Dual 7900 GTX 512 MB Assassin


Feb 3, 2006
Look at how huge this thing is!

The machine on top is a 15.4" Eliminator

17" Executioner vs. 19" Assassin


A recent email from a customer:

*BF2 at 1920*1200 w/ 4xAA and High everything, 100% distance,
with display (quality) "performance & quality settings",
online 64 persons, map "Operation Road Rage"
gets between 40-70fps and looks amazing, all eye candy.
-- after probably 30 minutes, I did start to get some artifacts and certain color distortions [I think this was heat related as the temp has been 100+ out here - a laptop cooler could help] so I stopped, turned off some of the fancy new advanced settings like "transparency" and "Gamma correct" antialiasings and haven't had the glitches since, I've turned a few things down to medium in the game settings as well and have played hours with solid 50-80fps butter smooth.

*My desktop copper heatsink'd x800 pro and p4 3.0E, 1.5Ghz DDR 400 hyperX, asus p4p800-e deluxe,
BF2 same map, 64 persons at 1920*1200 w/ AA off and Low everything, 100% distance,
with display (performance) "performance & quality settings"
gets between 30-50 and looked good but almost no grass and no texture, geometry, lighting or details.

*CS:S is 60-100fps smooth everything maxed 1920*1200. Desktop same settings was anywhere from 25-80fps.