[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]I don't really know this fellow, but I do know that among the scientific community that global climate change is pretty much considered truth. It happens, as to the cause - they aren't 100% but they do agree that humans have had SOME impact upon warming. Climate change = disruption any way you look at it. So we may want to start thinking about having fewer children and hence less impact upon our environment. I for one would rather be one of few who live well than one of many who live in turmoil. More people = more problems and less natural resources. If one man dumps chemicals into a river, the river is fine. If 20,000 dump 1% of that into a river, the river dies. It's common sense, but education about world population numbers is lacking. We don't realize how dramatically our numbers have increased during the last century. It's insane.[/citation]
But if a toxic level is .5 PPM and each person dumps .00002 PPM then we can all safely dump away
Yes, if those 20,000 have kids and they too like to dump toxins into the water then they better figure something out.
But if a toxic level is .5 PPM and each person dumps .00002 PPM then we can all safely dump away

Yes, if those 20,000 have kids and they too like to dump toxins into the water then they better figure something out.