2011 Was Ninth Warmest Year On Record

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[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]I don't really know this fellow, but I do know that among the scientific community that global climate change is pretty much considered truth. It happens, as to the cause - they aren't 100% but they do agree that humans have had SOME impact upon warming. Climate change = disruption any way you look at it. So we may want to start thinking about having fewer children and hence less impact upon our environment. I for one would rather be one of few who live well than one of many who live in turmoil. More people = more problems and less natural resources. If one man dumps chemicals into a river, the river is fine. If 20,000 dump 1% of that into a river, the river dies. It's common sense, but education about world population numbers is lacking. We don't realize how dramatically our numbers have increased during the last century. It's insane.[/citation]


But if a toxic level is .5 PPM and each person dumps .00002 PPM then we can all safely dump away :)

Yes, if those 20,000 have kids and they too like to dump toxins into the water then they better figure something out.
Seems like this is a no brainer. 1.6 billion people in 1900 and 7 billion in 2011. The industrial age helped propel us an additional 5.4 billion people in just over a 100 years. That is a major percentage increase in such a small time. Kind of like lets say you drink 3 beers a day for a week then gradually increase to 4, then 5, but then on week 6 you decide to drink 20 beers, and you continue this trend 21, 22, 23. What do you think will happen?? It's going to eff you up. Joking aside, given many more years the earth may in fact adapt to there being more people here. It just takes many years for it to adjust. Hang in there people we might be ok.
Totally agree with Bennaye, summer seems to have been cooler over here.

Not sure 'ninth hottest year in 130 years' is anything worth worrying about.
I'm not concerned about Global Warming. I'm concerned about cooling.... solar variation patterns suggest that we'll see warming for a while, with the Gleissberg cycle going up to about 2030, but around 2040 things will shift to a cooling pattern.

Think about it. Does life thrive with a slight increase in solar energy, or decrease? Rising world population, with lower crop vitality due to less solar energy, is BAD. Much worse than the current warming pattern we're seeing, which is actually a GOOD thing.
Everyone knows that James Hanson is a partisan hack who was deeply involved in the climategate scandal out of the UK.
I so glad to see so many people here are not fooled by the bought & paid-for (& entirely deceitful) politicians that love the idea of taxing CO2 in order to control everything and everybody. Screw them and their AGENDA 21 (look it up). A warmer planet with less snow and more easily grown crops is not a bad thing. CO2 is the gas of life, two parts oxygen, and one part essential carbon for plant growth. CO2 forms the beginning of the food-chain. Less CO2 = less life. Nasa is corrupted.
You should al be thanking the scientists for the heads up that will save you money and stop your kids being killed over oil wars.
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