Question 3.5 mm aud to C type USB.

Feb 25, 2022
I have a note 20. Had I known there'd be no audio jack, I would not have purchased it. Bought a 3.5 mm audio to type C adapter. I have tried an ONN 3.5, an APPLE, and at least one other. All will work fine for a few minutes. The 3.99 ONN often breaks within an hour. The 9.99 APPLE I have only tried 2 or 3 x but lasts a few hours. The other was 19.99 and it lasted a weekend! It will make it jump from one spot of my audiobook to another. Typical progression is Usually static starts then 1 maybe 2 minute to jumping all over the audiobook. The more expensive cords SEEMED to have a bit thicker wire so I thought maybe interference. I tried (if it's a really stupid idea, be kind) --- I TRIED to put good electrical tape around the wire. I also noticed static often started (always followed closely with jumping) when wire slightly jiggled. So I put a splint on it to keep adapter wire straight. It worked 2 days. I saw about cleaning ac jacks. Can I clean the type C USB?
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Why not use bluetooth headphones? Don't have to worry about any latency at all with audio books.
Samsung makes a USB C to 3.5mm adapter

I use a higher quality DAC/AMP combo but that is not great for portable use since it's bulkier, mien is not exactly this, but similar,aps,95&sr=8-2 Great sound but larger and costs more, more for audiophile listening with quality headphones
Feb 25, 2022
I've got ADD & I have the Hardest time keeping them charged. Part of the problem is my schedule. I work 2 16 hour shifts followed by an 8 hour --- all with only 8 hours between them. And of the 40 hours that I work in a period of 56 hours, I spend 30+ either listening to books or music. And since I am working, No power to the earphones or Danged adapter gives out means NO MUSIC NO BOOKS. I can't just decide to listen aloud for two hours while I charge the st%*# things. I actually LOATHED Bluetooth at one point although I have mellowed. I just bought some ones that said 20 hours on the pkg --- Which turns out to be 6 hours with two charges in the box. Now I will say I like not having to hike WAY ACROSS CAMPUS to get to my office and recharge BUT HOW LONG WILL I HAVE TO KEEP THEM IN THE CASE TO RECHARGE??? Five or ten minutes, eh. TWO HOURS (and I have this pit in my stomach thinking it's going to be 2 hrs) AARRGGHH.
And Samsung gave their little precious earbuds to S20 buyers BUT NOT TO NOTE20 users. And they wanted over $100. Not NO, Heckaroonie NOOOO! When they've always given me a pair -- they even gave some to people that Had An Audio Jack. They didn't need to give them to the people that needed them, they just have to pay. WELL NO I have bought three ONN adapters at $4 a pop for one weekend at work just so they couldn't make me buy them.
PS I do understand about noses faces and getting cut. As I said I am giving these TWS or whatever things a try.