3. Write a C# application that asks the user to input ‘A’ and ‘B’ and prints the sum of squares of all even numbers be


Mar 21, 2016
3. Write a C# application that asks the user to input ‘A’ and ‘B’ and prints the sum of squares of all even numbers between ‘A’ and ‘B
I tried to solve it but I don't know if it was true or false
Using System;
Namespace example 1 {
Class Program {
Public static void main (String[] args) {
Int A,B,square ;
Console.WriteLine("enter the first number :");
Console.WriteLine("enter the second number :");
B=Console.ToInt32(readLine());Console.WriteLine("sum of squares of all even numbers between a and b is"+) ;
That definitely won't compile, let alone do what it's supposed to do. Here's a suggestion: Write out on paper how you would calculate the sum of squares of all even numbers between the two given numbers. Then translate that into C# code.