3D Gaming Notebooks: Fantasy or Reality? Part I

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This doesn't make sense.
My Acer 5502 has a x700 video card and it plays Oblivion well.
I paid only $1000 for it and it smokes that 5672 you had.
Who will want a 5672 for any reason ??

The Ferrari 4000 should be a better choice for this article.
enewmen the x700 series cards are SM2.0 cards, and so like those of us with x300-x850 series desktops we don't have support for all the latest graphics goodies (specifically High Dynamic range). The X800's and I think x700s are faster than their x1600 ish counterparts (and x 1300s and Nvidia 7300's) but because they don't support the newer features no one bothers to review them anymore. I agree it makes buying decisions harder, but I think if you're buying a gaming notebook now (which seems a peculiar time to invest a huge chunk of cash on a gaming system), most reviewers and vendors would prefer to push the SM 3.0 stuff.

One of the challenges a lot of my friends have is they bought notebooks in the last 18 months with ATI 9000/9200 ish cards in them, which is absurd, they're useless (I remember looking at one machine two years to the day after SWG was released, that cost 2500 bucks or so, and it wouldn't have run SWG, sad, so sad). They're both slow AND out of date, at least the x1600&x1300 stuff is just slow ish.

Now I'm interested to see what happens come next year as ATI transitions to a new unified shader architecture while Nvidia does not (but adds similar functionality through adding a geometry shader to the collection of pixel and vertex shaders), which will throw this whole equation on its head, and then some. But that's for another day.
Thanks for the reply.
Points taken.
Please don't remind of those 32 meg Ati 9000 cards CompUSA is still selling.
Yes, I know the x700 is "only" sm 2.0 -good enough for Aero :wink:
I think I need to wait a LONG TIME before anything like a X1900XT / X2900 for notebooks come out.
I actually thought about the x1400 for notebooks to get the HDR, etc. But those cards have only 4 pipes! I can't stand Oblivion with HDR and only 3 fps.

Anyway, the notebook I really want needs a 17"+ 1900x1200 screen and upgradable videocards in some kind of mini-PCIe. That also doesn't seem to exist. I also want a UMPC - The Sony VAIO UX Micro PC might have what I need. (I'll wait a year on this)
I am also very intersted in the unified shaders when that finally comes. The next big thing (after the unified shaders) might be real-time ray-tracing which might eleminate the need for shaders completely. (correct me if I am wrong) Thanks!
It is a tough choice when you are looking for something particular and are forced to make compromises.

The Alienware model reviewed here had a 7800GTX 256MB. WidowPC has the same unit with a 7900GTX 512MB version, which should provide somewhat better performance.

A dual core FX-60 paired with a 7900GTX 512MB is going to be your best choice for a gaming laptop at the moment.

You cannot get a SLI laptop with TWO 7900GTX 512MB cards right now. Your choices are to go with two 7900GS, 7800GTX or 7900GTX cards with 256MB each.

To make it even more crazy, you need to choose between units that have either a 17 inch 1900x1200 or a humongous 19 inch 1680x1050 display.

Likewise, choosing one means you will either get to enjoy two hard drives in RAID 0 with double capacity or end up with only a single 7200RPM unit.

Each vendor seems to be doing their own thing as none of them offer exactly the same configuration options.

When the Clevo units came out they were the first and only laptops to have dual hard drives, dual burners, offer the top of the line video cards and the highest resolution 17 inch screens.

That was almost two years ago.

It seems like it's time for the designers/manufacturers to bring to market a new platform that offered full versatility and that would allow ALL configuration options. Let me have top end SLI graphics, dual core AMD or Intel CPU and RAID 0 in my laptop if that is what I want.
Barry Gerber from MobilityGuru here. Thanks for all your comments. I've asked the authors where they got that planet image for the wide screen normal screen comparison. I'll let you know when I do. Couple of other things:

1. You don't have to post a message more than once to get them posted, as you can see if you look at the multiple posts in this thread. Wait a bit before assuming posting didn't work. If you click the Preview button after finishing a message, be sure to click the submit button after previewing.

2. Those who are disappointed about the lack of SLi notebooks and say they are available and we even looked at one. (a) comparative reviews have to start long before a review is published, so SLi notebooks weren't available when work on this review started; (b) early on vendors show new notebooks in prototype form; except for HP, which has the resources to produce reliable prototypes, vendors are generally unwilling to release their prototype models (c) high-end CPU and graphics components are expensive, vendors often start out selling, not giving evaluation units; (d) try ordering an SLi unit and let me know when the vendor says it will be delivered.
Points taken!

Regarding lead times, Hypersonic will ship a CUSTOMIZED Aviator AX9 SLI laptop in approx 8 to 12 days.

Need one sooner?

A call to WidowPC revealed that they will assemble a unit and have it on my doorstep in 4 days flat! That's a Friday order with Tuesday delivery. Apparently I live right near their assembly location!
bgerber... you had posted a thread, "Are gaming notebook vendors scared of mobility guru?"

I had replied back, "Where do I send it?"

I didn't hear back. I would like to send in some machines for your review... please advise.

As to teh post above that, "No one needs a gaming notebook." I heard a statement once that rang true to me when I thought about it. "Need", is a communist word. We need very little, but America is pretty much all about what you want. What someone wants drives innovation and research, wanting in a sense, makes up a big part of capitalism.

Like the person above said, "Not everyone has a desktop and a laptop", school, on the road jobs like sales, and a big part of my business which is Military. We have a lot of guys who don't have the capability of having a desktop that need a gaming laptop.

As far as an x850 defeating the Executioner's 7900 GTX, that's just simply not gonna happen.


i think that game is Darkstar One, Single Player game only..
Check that game at this site..link

edit: yes its Darkstar One..

check this screenshot


with this one from page 30..


same HUD..

sorry with my bad grammar.. English not my first language..
When talking about Gaming everyone knows the most important aspect of your system (desktop or notebook) is the graphics card. I didn't even need to read the artical to know the conclusion. Alienware had the best graphics card and not surprisingly dominated most the benchmarks.

What I really want to see is a comparison between notebooks of approximately the SAME VALUE. Brand bang for the buck if you will. Granted, what is affordable for 1 person may not be affordable for the next... but the idea is, if an ABS proves to be better at the $2500 price mark than an equally priced Alienware... then maybe the quality standard will hold true across the price spetrum.

I can go to BUYABS, alienware, dell, etc... and at almost every site configure a computer for $2500 with a 7900 series go GPU. I would like to see the power consumption and performance levels for a $2500 computer between different brands. At a specific price mark, what are the big differences? Resolution, case quality? Customer support?
a little update could do perhaps because the cat 6.4 mobility supports upto x1800 xt now. no x1900 listed yet wonder if they ever will ^^
I looked at your site and you have some good stuff. any chance you could get one of your notebooks with a TV tuner? or would it be easier to buy an external one later.

GhostStalker, I am sorry I missed your post. To answer your question (a week and a half later)

The Executioner can have an internal tv tuner with remote control. The Executioner will have the 7900 GTX with 512 MB option in the next few weeks.

The Assissin can also have an internal tuner.

The Eliminator could, but it would bump the internal wirelss to a PCMCIA cardbus adaptor, I don't know if you will like that (there is but 1 mini-pci in the Eliminator).

Otherwise I could get an external USB or PCMCIA possibly ExpressCard tv tuner for any of them.
Thanks amrizul

The demo for darkstar one is supposed to be available friday june 30th from gamespot (I think you have to do the free registration thing) 5pm UDT (9am pacific, noon EST).

It is by a german developer (CDV published by ascaron) and looks very promising, though of course we'll not know for sure till the final product hits shelves. Approx release date is aug 14/06.

U are welcome..

Actually my radar had been set for this game since lancersreactor told us about this game..

that why i know about this game..