Solved! 42" Hitachi Plasma TV 42HDS69 blue light blinks 8 times

Mar 27, 2019
am in hopes that you could possibly answer a technical question for me.
When I turn the set on from stand by the blue light on the front of the
television will blink on and off eight times, before sending a picture to
the screen.. Although everything functions correctly , in picture quality
feel that this blinking is an indication of a problem or future issue that
should be addressed. Have downloaded the technical datasheet from
hitachi_42hdx99_42hdt79_42hds69_chassis_dw2-u however; Absence
of any data regarding the ‘error blink codes’

Rather impressed with the longevity of this plasma television. The only
components I have needed to replace have been a 100 volt 3300 uF
capacitor. Also the original cooling fans still function with out issue.
Outstanding track record for a 12 year old plasma tv.
Would check the other capacitors as well, might be a power issue.

Did you unplug the TV yet? While unplugged, press power until the power led gets off. Replug and try again.
Mar 27, 2019
May have figured it out.. Unplugged the TV, and let it sit for a bit. Then plugged it in and turned it on.. Would come right up with the blue light and no blinking.. so thought I would look threw the menu options and found: Menu - Setup - Set quick start options (Select on to have the TV tune channels quickly at 1st turn on) and now there is no 8 blinks, TV will turn on immediately. Everything works again. Yeah.. :)