522-bz897 hard drive clicking


Sep 1, 2006
Every so often I get a buzzing then clicking sound from the hard drive

it still works and everything, but I think it's been happening more often

should I get a replacement and backup everything before it's too late?
Hang yourself. Just kidding LOL. Seriously though, consider that because your hard drive is aboot to die. I would suggest backing up everything, including your precious collection of kiddie porn.

I've got all that on a micro SD card so I can hide it easily.

Amazing how many pics fit on that little chip smaller than a fingernail.

run hdtune and read the smart info if anything in yellow or red..your running on borrowed time. also run drive tools from the drive vendor. (seagate or wd tools). with hdtune write down or copy the drive part# and ser# then go to the vendor rma web page and see if the drive is still under warranty. cheaper to pay shipping company then buying a new drive.