News 800,000 people just had their full names, SSNs and more exposed in a massive insurance admin company data breach

October 25, 2024 - At least Landmark Admin seems to have done a lot more than many business normally do for people whose information has been accessed by criminals. Said companies take a very cavalier attitude that basically says.. "Sorry about that.", and offer vapid information about how to contact credit agencies, and advise that victims keep a close eye on their accounts etc. I think that businesses are allowed to demand too much personal and financial information about the people they serve. Further, all important information should be isolated (siloed) in a way, that very stringent security steps have to be taken to access that information. Lastly, it is common for businesses to demand that people provide their Social Security numbers as part of their being approved for accounts etc. It has been stated by the U.S. Government. That Social Security numbers should not be used for that purpose, and yet businesses are allowed to demand that information. It is time that State and Federal governments start to create laws that will put a limit on the information that businesses can demand from the public.