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In <>, on 11/02/04
at 04:54 AM, (Rob) said:
>Is there a technique to properly align the tape path on this unit, or
>is it a trial and error thing? The tape on my machine is riding on
>the first guide (not fully in the slot intended for the tape) a
>little, so I am thinking of lowering the left tape reel slightly until
>the tape sits properly in its guide, then adjusting the right tape
>reel with the use of a straight edge across the now aligned left reel.
> Is this the way to do it?
Make sure the tape tension is correct before messing with anything
For the record, the "alignment" process usually refers to adjusting the
bias, equalization, guides, and heads. While reel table height is
moderately important, we don't usually focus on that detail during the
alignment process. Correct "alignment" requires a prerecorded tape,
instruments, and some skill.
Always check the obvious. Are the reels OK? Tape scraping on warped
reels can cause trouble. Are the reels seated properly on the reel
tables? Are the reels running true? (parallel to the case) Sometimes
the reel motor shafts are bent. I've also seen old plastic reels that
become distorted such that they don't completely seat on the reel
table. Is the tape threaded correctly? Is the tape in good shape?
(Older tapes can become sticky and cause tensioning problems.)
Minor misalignment of the reel tables is not a problem because it is
the same as the tape pack being slightly off to one side. The deck will
handle this easily if the tension is correct.
Ideally, the tape pack on both reels should sit in the same plane which
is parallel to the deck's frame at the height of the guides.
wordgame:123(abc):<14 9 20 5 2 9 18 4 at 22 15 9 3 5 14 5 20 dot 3 15
13> (Barry Mann)
[sorry about the puzzle, spammers are ruining my mailbox]