A Ideal System for Video Editing


Nov 24, 2004
I been thinking of getting an Amd Athlon 64 bit 3.4 cpu MSI K8T neo fis2 motherbaord ah a gefore 6800 video card nad yeh what do you suggest for a system for a good video editing i will be using Adobe Premiere


Sep 12, 2001
Is the system going to be used purly for video editing or do you plan on playing computer games as well.
It is very important that you have lots of RAM and very fast hard disks when doing video editing. If I were you I would get a least a gig of RAM. As well as a raptor hard disk or possibly multiple hard disks in a RAID0 array.


Aug 24, 2004
For primarly video editing, the Pentium 4 systems are noticably faster and smoother. might want to research on the web for more info. That is Intels forte, video and multimedia editing

<pre><font color=red>°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°`°¤o \\// o¤°`°¤o,¸¸¸,o¤°
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>


Mar 25, 2004
only if you consider 1-5% "noticable"

Watch out for the <b><font color=red>bloody</font color=red></b> Fanboys!

AMD64 2800+ :: MSI Neo-Fis2r :: 1024mb Kingmax ddr400 :: Sapphire 9800pro 128mb :: 10K WD Raptor

Addicted, finally.


Nov 4, 2003
Ok he may be a fanboy but the price of the dual core pentiums is a little less than the athlons and adobe is optimized for the pentium processors. Please understand I am not a pentium fanboy I am an AMD fanboy. But mostly I am a realist.
P4s run video editing better.
Amds run games better.
P4s get MUCH hotter
Amds run much cooler.
If i had the money to spand i would buy a dual core athlon processor and make my money work for me for the rest of your needs.
I have an athlon 64 3200 (slow to me)
2 gigs of ddr 400 (spec'ed to make sure it works in my (picky =) asus board)
2 74gig raptors in a raid 0 for speed.
the only other thing i would consider for speed would be the gigibyte iram for my swap file.

TOM PLEASE DO some comparison tests with processors/memory/hard drives/gigibyte iram
but consider us lowly folks please not everyone can afford an amd4000 or x2 4800.

I use both sony vegas studio and pinncle studio (both mutliprocessor capable)
adobe premiere is out of my reach price wise for family video.

Let us know what your budget is and we can give you a better idea of what you need.


Jan 2, 2001
Don't put editing and encoding in the same processor basket...

Editing rely primarly on fast HDD and RAM rather than on the processor while encoding is a processor job.

Which processor is best?? Both! Some task will run better on Intel, other on AMD, so at the end, it will be a close match. The codec used to encode the video file is what make the difference. Some codec run faster on AMD than Intel. Others run faster on Intel.

I tried both system and did not find any specific performance advantage over the entire project with either processor.

OTOH, dual core might help here. Intel has a cheaper dual core, but.. while it is good for multithreaded or multitasking, it is rather weak at single task. AMD dual core generally perform better, but cost more.

Main advantage here goes to AMD for cooler CPU, meaning less noise and better stability.

While editing, HDD are working harder than usual, because usually, video files are bigger than available memory. HDD get hot too, and added to the motherboard, video card and CPU heat, it can cause some instability in badly vented case.