A program trying to display a message


Jan 4, 2012
There is a dialog box which continuously pops up.
it displays this message
"A Program running on this computer is trying to display a message.
the program might need information from you or your permission to complete a task
a. view the message
b. ???"
actually the dialog box appears and closes within a MILLISECOND.
i had to use a camcorder to find out what the dialog box was saying and this was all i could get. :pfff:
This appearing and disappearing of the dialog box within a millisecond really interferes with the programs that i run.
It causes the programs to minimise back to windows evry time it happens. :fou:
MY system specs
Ram : 4gb
os:Windows 7 ultimate(whic is not genuine and the system has come to know about it)
processor:intel core i3
GPU:ASUS Geforce gt 520 silent 2gb ddr3
plz help with this problem.