A5 volume but key sgain put itself into safe mode

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Jan 24, 2018
A decided to treat myself to A5 pay as you talk handset.this was massjve treat am not great with technology hence why had £30 basic Android for many many years .wot a massive disappointment after this beauty off handset slipped out hand screen has superficial scratches thats all sit the device on little holder if not using or sleeping not once twice separate incidents weeks apart fone went into a mode named safe googled tips advice after 5 days managed to disable that .3 days later fone on little stand wake up Hello safe mode jammed tight tried wipes cotton buds tweezers after volume down key useless as makers off these rip off insensitive over tge top priced fones .tried small repair shop £200 plus as for samsung blamless Hence if tried to retun hanset due to poor workmanship on examanatiin off this shitty thing see tiny cracks .This sight would flagg up notification in some joe bloggs brainless head ie as Elvus says Return to sender Address her note owner dropped her fone Now wont pass any £*£notes .she looked on google this safe shitty useless mode was posted over pages apon pages Samsung post was Drag screen down see false advice disable safe mode PRESs HERE after countlesz pressing restarttfff I The volume DOWN KEY now has cobwebs THEY sugfest hold power key then blah blah tru hold the volume button that is has any more pressure will end up popping through to oppisite side Anyway joe bloggs dripping in your designer toggs Another customer YES 1sT time took plunge for my big 50th bought this cheap platic coverd ripp off TOY .should have bough apple more healthy realiable option
I am only answering this to explain why I'm going to close the thread.

A meaningless rant doesn't help us to help you. Please start a new thread with only relevant comments about the device and its damage. Dropping a sensitive device doesn't imply poor workmanship on the manufacturer's part. Accidents do happen and the repair has to be paid for.
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