Acer Aspire 5532. Indicater for Caps/No: Lock Functions?


Dec 9, 2011
Can any owners of an Aspire 5532 adivse if their laptop has any function indicating if Cap's/No: Lock is enabled or not?

My laptop appears to have no way of indicating this function which I find frustrating!

I have contacted Acer Support who sugested re-insalling 'Launch Manger' as they stated that the Cap's/No: lock function is displayed via OSD, the same as 'Fn' functions, this appears to be not so. After investigation I determined that launch manager only controls for the 'Fn' function keys.

Any information or suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks-Vic :fou: 🙁 :pfff:

Support was correct, it not only controls the fn functions it also handles the OSD for the Caps lock, Num Lock, Scroll lock, etc.

If the caps lock, num lock features aren't working, reinstall the launch manager, which can be downloaded from the Acer Support section for you model laptop.

And BTW I agree, not having specific, full time, physical indicators WAS STUPID of Acer !!!

Hi Teleman, forgot to say in my original thread that I re-installed from the Acer site, both versions listed to no avail!
I then deleted Launch Manager, ran laptop, and as I thought Fn key OSD no longer functioned. Installed Launch Manager again, Fn OSD worked as I thought it would but not cap's/no: lock OSD! I had a look in C:/program files (x86)/launch manager/osdrc , this showed all the symbols for Fn functions but nothing for Caps/No: Lock On/Off!
This led to my assumption that Launch Manager only controled Fn OSD. Contacted Acer support with this info, reply was to try a full system restore which "SHOULD" resolve problem! :??: :fou:

I take it that you have the same model Acer as me and that the function works?

If you have any more suggestions I can try I would be most gratefull as I don't want all the bother of doing a full restore which may or may not resolve the problem.

Thanks, Vic