Solved! Acer Predator 15 6th Gen vs 7th Gen


Feb 22, 2015
So after doing some intense research over the past few days and pulling my hair out over the options given to pc gamers who want to buy a laptop, I decided to go phyiscally check the laptops I was googling in person. What really stood out to me is the Acer Predator 15, I enjoyed using it at the store more than any other laptop. (Granted the XPS 15 is a beauty and I couldn't find the razer blade)

Anyway I'm going off topic, after some more research into the predator 15 I found that there are currently 2 models on sale for the 1070 version; a 6th gen 6700 and 7th gen 7700. I couldn't really find any definitive answer as to whether there is a significant difference between these two laptops.

Right now the 6th gen is sold on amazon for ~$1600 and the 7th Gen for ~$2000. That's quite a difference for two laptops that are almost exactly the same except for the processor. I couldn't find any reviews for the new model, I'm guessing its extremely new.

Can anyone share their insight and help me decide?

If the two models appear to be exactly the same other than the CPU, go for the cheaper one. The difference between those 2 CPUs can't be more than 5-10%, and certainly not worth the extra 400 bucks for the 7th Gen. In real-world usage, I'll bet you'd be hard pressed to notice the difference.

Links to both specific models would be handy. 😀

EDIT: Are these the two in question?

Yes I'm quite aware of that... I move around alot and I'm always sitting at a desk doing work so I really can't stand having to sit on a desk to game at home. I have a 3yr old gaming pc at home but it's getting old.

Do you have an answer to the question?
Ah right, I see, no worries.
I just make sure with every gaming laptop thread that people aren't planning on using it stationary as a primary rig all the time, just so they get the best value for money. :)
No problems at all, get this though, far better value and you'll want a HQ processor for hyperthreading.
6th-7th gen doesn't really matter, whichever is cheapest, performance is similar.

Open box if you're interested:
If you don't want an open box one, get this, it has a 120Hz screen:

Those are both great options but I'm leaning more towards a 15 inch model. And so far the alienware is nice but u hated they keyboard, I didn't like the back lighting on the Asus, the msi is still a decent option but there's no gsync. Although the predator is a large and heavy laptop it has some of the best thermals and that's why I like it, I feel like the components will.last longer because it runs cooler.

Also from another standpoint I do have a photography habit and I'd need something a vivid screen in order to work on Some of the laptops I listed above dont have great screens.

If the two models appear to be exactly the same other than the CPU, go for the cheaper one. The difference between those 2 CPUs can't be more than 5-10%, and certainly not worth the extra 400 bucks for the 7th Gen. In real-world usage, I'll bet you'd be hard pressed to notice the difference.

Links to both specific models would be handy. 😀

EDIT: Are these the two in question?

G-Sync isn't needed at all, you're using a 1070 on a 1080p screen, hell, I barely ever need it maxed out with a 1080 on a 1440p screen, and that's a more demanding scenario! :)
This Clevo laptop has a 1070 with an IPS G-Sync panel as well as a 512GB SSD which looks to suit your needs perfectly.

Yes those two.

I just really enjoyed the predator's feel when i tried it out in the store, and I hated the alienware's keyboard even tho the alienware is awesome 🙁

G-Sync is really good for sub 60 FPS and since the screen is 60fps on the predator I'd probably be running ultra, in the future games might dip below 60fps so it's a good way to keep it going in the long run.

Thanks, I'll have a look at those as I'm not a huge fan of the extreme gaming aesthetic of the predator.