they have blizzard... and modern warfare. thier cash cow is WoW which will keep alot of loyal fans and subscribers for quite some time. then you have starcraft 2 which will have a huge following for years intenationally and th enext 2 instalment are guarunteed sellers...
then you have the activition ips ... tony hawk stopped being fun after the 3rd installment, guitar hero which no thanks i have a real guitar and most people own one or two installments but don't have them all cause its all about the same. then theres modern warfare 2 with it slack of dedicated servers and nonloyal fans, it pretty much stole alot of halo fans who will gladly leave to the next fps franchise.
its sad that blizzard is now attached to this leech of a company but it was thier move to make and as long as they keep making top quality games i'll buy them but anythign else from activition doesn't go on my hard drive