Activision Puts an End to Guitar Hero Franchise

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that game is really annoying, can't stand it...if people want to be superstars they need to do it in real life, not in a fantasy game
[citation][nom]burnley14[/nom]It was a fantastic series until Activision sunk its claws into it. The first two games were absolutely phenomenal, and then the rest sucked balls.[/citation]
because the game got old, not because Activision sunk its claws in it
[citation][nom]SmileyTPB1[/nom]It's about time. Activision made fools out of so many people by tricking them into paying hundreds of dollars to play air guitar. For those of you who haven't figured it out yet air guitar is A)Stupid, and B) Free. Go watch South Park if you still don't get it. All of the people who payed so much money to Activision would have been much better off to spend all that money and learn how to play a real guitar.[/citation]
[citation][nom]NeBuN[/nom]because the game got old, not because Activision sunk its claws in it[/citation]
[citation][nom]NeBuN[/nom]that game is really annoying, can't stand it...if people want to be superstars they need to do it in real life, not in a fantasy game[/citation]

i have no musical talent at all, i mean at all. and if i did get a real guitar, i have not the will to learn to play it perfect nor the motivation, as i would just play videogame songs that i like, and would be unwilling to pay for a good guitar. mostlikey it would waste money.

guitar hero, they really screwed up... big time. they over saturated the market, usually with subpar songs on disc, and did they force you to but a new game for new dlc, and did the dlc transfer like in rockband?

i have to say the guitar part, i thought was dumb as hell, but can see its enjoyment factor, pick it up and try it on easy or medium in a store if you see it, fun as hell to play.

the drums were interesting, but not enough to make me buy it. it wasn't until the real guitar came out that i wanted it. i got rockband, the keyboard (another instrument i want skill in, for fun), the drums (thought it would be fun, and they are) and pre bought the real guitar (only way i could learn it is through instand gratification, best way for that, games) and have yet to really pick up the plastic guitars.

the games are fun if you pick and chose what you want to try.
not to brag, but i'm one of the best people at guitar hero in the world. look up my youtube channel 'f4phantom2500'....but seriously i became disenchanted with these games a few years ago. after, say..gh3 i was like 'really? more games?' initially my goal was to full combo every on disc song on expert (100% without overstrums), and i achieved this in gh1 and gh2...but the way they just kept releasing games i was like 'you know what? XXX this'. totally not worth my time, and it seemed like they were just releasing new games to make more money, without any real care of what people wanted (which is, obviously, the case); the newer games weren't even fun! i mean, smash hits? really? REALLY? a game with a bunch of songs that i already played? and i'm supposed to pay you how much for this? ha...ha....HAHAHA!!!

btw i do play real guitar and used to play drums...just as sick of people saying to go play real instruments. it's a XXX game, people who play a lot of gh don't think of it as the equivalent of being good at real guitar, the only people that even suggest that are the haters.

/washes mouth out with soap ...
why dont all you people find a real hobby, maybe take up an instrument,
for example i play flute,piccolo and a little piano ocasionally

but you can buy an acostic guitar for £20
so why not try that
[citation][nom]shanky887614[/nom]why dont all you people find a real hobby, maybe take up an instrument,for example i play flute,piccolo and a little piano ocasionallybut you can buy an acostic guitar for £20so why not try that[/citation]

because most of us don't have the will to play those long enough to get good. you remember how long it took you to play something you want to hear?

for a guitar, you need a baseline 300$ electric one so it doesn't sound like crap. you also need a 100$ minimum amp so it can play it good, and than its the months - years of practice before you can play something that is remotely good to hear. and thats before factoring in the can i even play it factor.

also without some kind of a person instructing you, its VERY hard to tell if you are doing something right or not.

like i said above, rock band pro has an instant gratification factor to it. you also know if you are doing something right or not. and i went out on a limb and got the real guitar for it because if it can teach me, its well worth the money, if i cant, i can at least have a fun, yet expensive, toy.
I love how people try to make themselves look cool by saying people should just learn a real instrument. Playing games like guitar hero is a completely different experience. I can play guitar and piano to a very high level, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying music games for what they are. Fun, challenging and a good laugh with your mates.
[citation][nom]grillz9909[/nom]I bet CoD's next.[/citation]

Really? How many millions of dollars have the last two brought in? They will milk that for at least two more titles.

Dont miss GH, but true crime, I love that game for the ps2. Sad to see this one die.
I don't understand wasn't guitar hero the goose that laid golden eggs for them? I mean come on. What were development cost for that game? 100$ I bet they hired 20 interns to program that game in one day and then fired them and kept all the royalties. I mean seriously it's not like their building massive 3d environments, creating an indepth exciting story line, develop a sweet 3d physix engine, pioneer an new and uniqe control interface and combat engine. Nope they had a crappy movie play in the back ground and little balls slide throught the screen.

Low production cost plus big ass sales = Golden toilet throne for the office!!!
I don't understand the hate, I've never met anyone who said "I'm a god at GH/RB and therefore am a god at the real thing". I play guitar, have for years and I love the instrument, I like playing RB with my wife. The plastic is nothing like the real thing, however, being in time with her and getting a high score together for a song we like has as much satisfaction as jamming with guys i've been in bands with in the past.

Its fun as hell to play games with other people, its fun as hell to play music with other people. I really can't understand why people are angry that the two were blended. GH nor RB are able to teach you to play an instrument, and anyone who thinks it has or could would also believe that CoD makes them a solider (and sadly I know a guy who thinks his black ops skill makes him a real soldier hes 35 btw) so its not the game its the players. And dumb ass players happen in every genre so again why the hate?
[citation][nom]burnley14[/nom]It was a fantastic series until Activision sunk its claws into it. The first two games were absolutely phenomenal, and then the rest sucked balls.[/citation]

Believe it or not I don't think you can totally blame Activision...I think the game was just starting to hit its natural expiration. The concept was cool, I played it, but never even considered or even had a remote though of buying anything into it (or consoles for that matter.).
Stupid haters. I've had lots of parties where we played Guitar Hero: World Tour and RockBand. Even my parents / inlaws loved playing those games. It's like a karaoke machine too.

Been playing these games for 3 years and still going. We don't play every week, but so what?
Wow. I can't believe how many of you feel the need to b$%$# about people playing a video game.

"Go be a rockstar in real life!"

Here's the deal, guys. I like this game. It's fun. I am *fully* aware that it's just a game. I can't play guitar to save my life. That doesn't make the game any less fun. Especially semi-drunken guitar hero at parties. That was always my favorite.

If you don't like the game, that's fine. It's your opinion. But you don't need to through a temper tantrum like a 12-year-old because other people do like it.

That said, I agree that the franchise could have been shut off a long time ago and just had DLC music. I'm hoping some new songs keep coming out.
I'm glad it's dead. If only for the fact that I won't have to hear people bragging about how they play real guitar.

Nobody cares if you bought a $100 guitar when you were 14. We played Guitar Hero for fun, nobody actually thought they had musical talent because of it. Shut up and go back to playing stairway to heaven for the 150th time.
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