Help? I am exploring if I need as blocker on safari (IPad) using cellular plan now. I found a site called browser leaks and in the content filters and proxy detection I see Several adblocking detection subscriptions, all from the UK?
I am in Illinois using a cell plan on on iPad. No WiFi. No vpn. Is this accurate or candies safari come with its own built detection? Unlock filter and Pup domains blocklist . I am lost. Any input would help. I cannot figure out how to attach screen shot here. I will learn soon enough. Thanks for any input.
I am in Illinois using a cell plan on on iPad. No WiFi. No vpn. Is this accurate or candies safari come with its own built detection? Unlock filter and Pup domains blocklist . I am lost. Any input would help. I cannot figure out how to attach screen shot here. I will learn soon enough. Thanks for any input.