Advice on MX5021s


Sep 9, 2006
Hi, this is my first post here, I hope this is the right place to put it.

I've got a couple of problems on some new Altec Lansing MX5021s and I wondered if any of the resident experts were able to shed any light on my best options:

The first problem is that from the moment the system is plugged into the mains the sub gets a bit of a constant buzzing noise. It doesn't really sound like a noise the speaker would make, more something like a transformer. Anyway, it's pretty annoying and I don't know if it's related to the second problem which is that the satellites really have a lot of hiss (primarily from the tweeters) when the system is actually turned on.

It's the same regardless of what mains socket I use (I tried a few around the house) and whether there's input or not. The hiss from the satellites isn't affected by changing the volume or bass/treble settings, except that turning the treble up high makes it a bit worse.

Anyone have any opinions on what I might be able to do about it? Does it sound like a fault or normal behaviour? I've emailed the place I bought them from, but while I'm waiting for their response I wanted to get some expert advice here first :)
it sounds like bad speakers. not in the sense that they are malfunctioning but they are just poorly made.

i will explain why i think so. i have an old set of videologic zxr-55's which in their day were good bang for the buck as it were but thye were still pretty poor. tthey got alot of buzzing in the speakers and it is becasue of the amplifier which i assume is located in the sub or bass unit as it may be and that leask through ito the speakers.

on my current set i do not get buzzing or hardly any hiss at all but then again they have better electronics.

now it could be that they are faulty speakers as i have no experiewnce of altec lansing but like i say. the amp affecting the speakers is not unheard of in many speakers which are badly made and if you want low hiss and no buzzing or humming then you need better speakers unfotunately. i may be wrong here though so don't take my word for it.