Air conditioner vs. heat pump: Which is best for your home?

I find reading about "heat pumps" so funny. In Australia we call it "reverse-cycle air conditioning" and it's been the standard type of air conditioner here for as long as I can remember (even the first one I remember of my grandmother's from when I was a young child, over 35 years ago, was a reverse-cycle window unit).

I think Australia has traditionally lacked things such as central heating which is why reverse-cycle AC has been the standard. It's strange seeing the rest of the world adopt it so much later, and calling it a different name 😆
Initially I was really interested in your article. I still am very interested in where this part of the industry is going. However, here in California the push for heat pumps is really high. I'm not a writer so I'll sum up my views.
The beginning of your article said it best. Just backwards. "A heat pump system does double duty". Essentially using the compressor all year long in addition maybe using heat strips in the winter. This equates to alot of cost for the homeowner. My recommendation to most is , keep your natural gas system. Although the environmental impact may or not be a factor, natural gas is not going anywhere. New is better of course. More efficient. Hotter temp , faster, in the winter. If solar exists, then an electric heat pump system may be good. Variables must be considered. Namely cost.
In California though, it's sad because supposedly we don't have enough energy to go around every summer. Yet they push electric systems. Likely a money grab.
I find reading about "heat pumps" so funny. In Australia we call it "reverse-cycle air conditioning" and it's been the standard type of air conditioner here for as long as I can remember (even the first one I remember of my grandmother's from when I was a young child, over 35 years ago, was a reverse-cycle window unit).

I think Australia has traditionally lacked things such as central heating which is why reverse-cycle AC has been the standard. It's strange seeing the rest of the world adopt it so much later, and calling it a different name 😆

I agree. It does sound funny to Australians to hear 'heat pumps' (reverse cycle air conditioner to us) referred to as new technology. I purchased a home in the mid 1970s which had one installed, and I'm sure this was far from the first in Australia. So at least 50 year old tech. Merica - leading from behind. Again.