Maybe now people will realize when you are in public what you do is... um... public. For those who don't like this tech, wait til it is used to track someone who committed murder or a major theft. Like ID cards, it is another way to track you - but having more ability to track does come with some advantages (like using cell phone gps to locate a kidnapping victim)...
I think this technology sounds pretty cool. Sure, some desperate pathetic person could track you in theory but seriously, I wouldn't give a shit if they tried. Ok, so you watch somehow walk into a building then what, oh ok. I just hope the usefulness of this technology doesn't get eclipsed by more rules and limitations.
Or going to certain bars and reading all about person X going to such a bar. Going to the library and having people see what kind of books you read, like 1984.
The idea of having nothing to hide doesn't hold it for me. And the extra safety we get from these kind of rules don't make me feel safer. Tbh I'm not feeling safer, I'm actually feeling being watched. Unsafe because my life is public, people will use this to my disadvantage to save people. I'm not willing to give up my freedom for this little bit of safety. Big Brother isn't the solution.
This is not something that we need. The last thing we need is the government using this type of technology to "ensure" our safety. Yeah right. Been working for the government for better than 27 years now in one form or another. (including 20 yrs in the military) The one thing I have learned about the government in all that time is not to trust them. Why do I work for them? I like to be where I can keep my eye on what they/we are doing. Oh and when the hackers get hold of it, they can make money by selling it to all the sex fiends and criminals so that they can watch you leave your house and watch you while you are gone. If you leave where you are to come back home they can just tell the thieves you are on your way back. You won't know who might be watching your 5 year old daughter playing in the yard and biding there time. Be careful what you wish for.
trinix lay off the crack, and read the story a little closer. Do the libarys use a public feed video? I'm guessing not.. Maybe outside the libary.. Yes, they'll be able tell you're going into a library. Big freaking whoop.
Or you rich, famous, recently pissed somebody off? IF no then don't worry about it. If yes, guess what you're probably already being stalked anyways so get over it.
Google Earth isn't real time folks. Its a snapshot. ALl these guys did was create a fancy program that takes that snapshot interpolates cars and people based on that snapshot and creates what are essentially avatars of who was there at that time. Low res avatars that are always stuck at the point in time the google snapshot was taking. No one is interested enough in you to bother tracking you so get over it.
I agree with warezme. It's the same data that was there when the photo was taken, but the software guesses how every vehicle/person was moving and animates the scene based on observations. Possible for an imaginative person to do with their own imagination, this technology gives everyone that ability.
[citation][nom]burnley14[/nom]Wow, this is terrifying.[/citation]
Why? They are talking about creating virtual cities using real cities as models? That would be like playing Second Life in very detailed static model of your city.
Did anyone see the movie "Eagle Eye", we're in dangerous times for personal freedom. Just imagine the possibilities for intrusive marketing companies "pushing" advertising to you based on where you are. It may be good for monitoring activity by law enforcement but giving this to the general public brings stalking issues to a whole new level.
Ok so why did they say REAL TIME?? Guess you weren't paying that much attention much like everyone else besides maddad. This would be using real time streaming video, and not just from local street cameras and the like, but from the satellites as well. This does suck and believe it or not the gov will eventually usurp all of our basic rights under the cover or "protecting us" What bunch of pussies most of America has become..... We used to produce steel people buck up or f*ck up!
Honestly, please. If you aren't doing anything wrong, why do you give a shit? If you're not doing anything that would possibly get you followed, why do you give a shit?
The world isn't out to get you. Just because this technology is here doesn't mean it's to track YOU. Unwarranted self importance.