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Jim Thompson wrote:
> On Mon, 06 Jun 2005 14:34:24 -0500, BOB URZ
> <"sound(remove)"> wrote:
>> Kevin Aylward wrote:
>>> Bob Urz wrote:
>>>> Kevin Aylward wrote:
>>>>> Pooh Bear wrote:
>>>>>> Ol' Duffer wrote:
>>>>>>> In article <>,
>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>> I've never specified matched pairs in any design ( pro-audio
>>>>>>>> btw ) in my entire life despite being responsible for some 10s
>>>>>>>> of thousands of amplifiers out there. It seems like poor
>>>>>>>> design to need matched pairs to me.
>>>>>>> You should check a batch of power transistors on a curve tracer
>>>>>>> sometime. The results may scare you. I routinely see a factor
>>>>>>> of three variation in Beta within batches. Of course you can
>>>>>>> use big, wasteful swamper resistors, or a bank of 5 unmatched
>>>>>>> devices where 2 matched would be sufficient. Or you can let
>>>>>>> the amps blow up and they I buy more transistors than I need and
>>>>>>> select a good grouping from the middle of the range and fix them
>>>>>>> so they don't blow up anymore...
>>>>>> These devices which I currently use for example are pre-graded by
>>>>>> the manufacturer. Worst case match is 2:1 in either gain grade.
>>>>>> A simple low value emitter ballast resistor overcomes the bulk of
>>>>>> beta mismatch anyway and I would never fail to use them. You
>>>>>> can't depend on paralled device temps being identical - in fact
>>>>>> quite the reverse - never mind thermal runaway !
>>>>> Well, it might be useful to explain just why beta/hfe matching is
>>>>> important, considering that that the bipolar transistor is a
>>>>> voltage controlled device!
>>>> A bi polar transistor is a current controlled device actually.
>>> Here we go, yet again...
>>> I see that you have succumbed to the Bantam paperback popular
>>> misconceptions Bob. A Bipolar transistor is indeed a voltage
>>> controlled device.
>> So, the manuals with transistor curve tracers which state
>> a change a base current and plot collector current and voltage
>> are wrong? With bipolar beta B=Ic/Ib?
>> And for FET's its a change in gate voltage vs Drain/source?
>> Bob
>>> For example, see
>>> and for a simple pictorial description of the actual physics, see:
>>> There is simply no mechanism as how a flow of base charge can
>>> instigate a flow of emitter/collector charge. Its applied voltage
>>> that that cause the injection of charge.
>>> The relevent simplified equation is:
>>> Ic ~ Is.exp(Vbe/Vt)
>>> Note the lack of a base current term.
>>> I would suggest obtaining good academic semiconductor physics text
>>> book if you want more details on the correct operation of bipolar
>>> transistors.
>>> Kevin Aylward
>>> SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
>>> Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
>>> Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
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> Kevin has a hair up his butt about voltage control, a really long hair
> ;-)
Indeed. It is they way they work. Only the illinformed consider that the
transister is current controlled.
What we have here is an enormous amount of erroneous waffle on the
bipolar transistor. Its quite amazing really. There is no point in
perpetuating this daft myth. It only leads to confusion.
Any *actual* *understanding* of the standard 3 junction pictorial
descriptions of basic transistor operation should leave people with no
doubt as to the correct operation of a bipolar transistor. Base current
don't "cause" the flow of collector/emitter current. Its Vbe that
injects charge into the emitter, irrespective of base current. End of
Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.