Analyst: Microsoft Should Abandon Zune

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[citation][nom]matt87_50[/nom]they say that the problem is that its not a phone - which is correct, the zune hd should be a phone, or have a phone option - but you can totally tell that their real problem is that its not made by apple and doesn't have an 'i' in front of its name. its hard for these 'analysts' and 'the market' to see any other good products on the horizon when there view is blocked by apple's scrotum...[/citation]

I disagree with you, I believe if the zune came out as a media player without requiring you to use zune soft the player will take off.

The people who hates apple and likes to use software that came with the player will most likely buy a zune.
The Analyst is right. In 5-10 years, I wont have a netbook, ipod, and blackberry. I want a phone that runs windows and can do it all. Not windows mobile, not windows ce, some palm crap, or bberry os, just a computer that is a phone ..... Just one small fast device for my person.
I own a zune now and am looking forward to getting a Zune HD. The Zune has been very good for me and I have NO desire to have to be tied to iTunes.. sorry but Zune pass is cheaper, 15 bucks a month sounds alot better... all the music I want to load and I can get 10 mp3 downloads to keep a month. Or 99 cents for every song thru iTunes..
So, it will playback 720p! And where will this content to play at that resolution come from? I can't go buy a DVD and legally rip it to put on my Zune (or iPod, or any other device). I have a modest library of (I know I'll get laughed at for this) VHS tapes, and DVDs. I resent the idea that I should have to go buy them again, just so I can watch them on my PMP (and if you're wondering, I have a Zen Vision:M), but that's a whole different rant.

Back to my original rant. Where is this delicious 720p media to come from? So much of the sales propoganda for these devides is about that ability - but the average user can't access it in any meaningful way.

That said, I have to admit - the 720p is tempting. I will definitely be checking it out when it arrives. I'm not pronising to buy, mind you...
why would they abandon it?? I hate Apple products and will never buy their products but would definitely buy the Zune HD. So they SHOULD keep making Zunes. Plus you aren't foced to use shItunes with a Zune.
I don't know what the big deal is about itunes and how horrible it is. I've tried mediamonkey and winamp and just found itunes easier.

I have music. I want to listen to it. Itunes does that just as well as the rest.
[citation][nom]p05esto[/nom]iPods do suck....overhyped crap. I've used other MP3 players I've liked better for much less cost. Frankly my phone serves as the only MP3 player I need....more than I need. iPods days are numbered, phones will take this away from then. Oh, and iPhones suck too. I like the hippie comment, that's exactly the kind of person who buys iPhones...trend following wanabes[/citation]
Sorry, not to be a big apple fan douche but all the hating on ipods around here makes me kinda think that the whole "I hate everything apple" is somewhat of a trend itself.
I don't see why Microsoft should stop making the Zune, it is still making money for them. It may not be a whole lot of profit but it is making money, like the case of the PSP for Sony. Mass media has a tendency to make it look like a device may be a dud, when in reality it has already sold a few million units.
exactly if the product is not loosing you money there is no reason to abandon it. it didn't catch on like the ipod but so what. if everyone thought this way products like the playstation 3 would have only lasted a year before being discontinued.
I didn't buy my iPhone because of iTunes. Have never and don't plan to ever purchase anything from iTunes. I bought the iPhone because at the time it had the best user interfaces of any phone. The iPhone also combined alot of features into one device. Over the past couple of years several companies have upped there game and now offer devices that will do as much with a much better user interface, so for my next purchase who knows.....

And for those of you wondering I purchased the original iPhone. Still love it and use it so I am not tied into any contract.
When they lose the MP3 compression format, I'll consider buying one of these things. Until then, naw, not interested in lower quality sound. Really, there's no need for it any more, storage size is big enough to accommodate a better compression solution.

In case someone brings up 'MP4', that's just MP3 with video; same sound quality.

Dude, that's kinda like saying Apple should abandon the Mac because PC's (Windows) market share is 10 times bigger. Oh hell even Apple users are running Windows in bootcamp. If they were that great it would've taken over the computer industry.

Only problem I see with Zune is how you buy the music, buying points then using those points to buy the music..

Also they don't have a large drm free selection...
I really think MS has trolls visiting this site and voting thumbs up for pro MS and if you bash MS they vote down. HD on a 3-4 inch screen is a joke to begin with.
I own a zune and frankly I really miss my ipod. The zune software is slow and clunky even on my brand new computer. itunes always worked quickly and when I removed songs from my itunes it was removed from my ipod as well when i synced it which allowed me to better organize my music. When I remove songs from my zune library it stays on my zune. It's annoying. I wish MS products would just work, without tinkering
[citation][nom]Regulas[/nom]I really think MS has trolls visiting this site and voting thumbs up for pro MS and if you bash MS they vote down. HD on a 3-4 inch screen is a joke to begin with.[/citation]
I voted you down because you miss the point. Obviously any third grader knows that HD at the size of the Zune has a different line ratio. But beyond that it also outputs in HD video. I know this may seem a bit foreign to some of you. But this is sort of like a PMP in that you can use your Zune as a portable media player that can output to TV. I know that's confusing but it sure beats carrying around a hard drive or a few discs.

As far as MS trolls, I say if you don't like it go to Gizmodo where you can bathe with Apple trolls or go to some Linux leaning site, if that's your thing(nothing wrong with that).
This might be completely off-topic, but I really don't understand why Apple can get away with selling music that can only play on their players. I understand and accept the fact that iTunes works only with iPods and iPhones, that's fine, but the actual media only working on their players is ridiculous. I tried iTunes when they had DRM on all their music, and one I realized I couldn't play it on my Sansa Clip, I immediately uninstalled iTunes and started purchasing all my music from Amazon. Honestly, its a freaking monopoly. Imagine if every CD you purchased would only play on a Sony CD player, that would never fly. The RIAA really really needs to get its head out of its arse and standardize a digital NON-DRM format.
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