N narcoti Distinguished Jul 13, 2006 1 0 18,510 Jul 16, 2006 #1 Anything I can unlock on this baby or all of them laser cut?
4745454b Distinguished Moderator Apr 29, 2006 605 0 19,210 Jul 16, 2006 #3 I didn't think the 7600GT was based on anything higher up. AFAIK, there isn't anything there to unlock. I know its pin compatible with the 6600GT, I thought it was simply a revised 6600GT, not a cut down 7800/7900. Am I wrong?
I didn't think the 7600GT was based on anything higher up. AFAIK, there isn't anything there to unlock. I know its pin compatible with the 6600GT, I thought it was simply a revised 6600GT, not a cut down 7800/7900. Am I wrong?
Heyyou27 Distinguished Jan 4, 2006 14 0 18,560 Jul 16, 2006 #4 I'm not too familiar with the 7600 so that may be the case.