Anyone got XoticPC/Sager NP5760


Oct 26, 2006
Can anyone please post personal experience with it?
Also, I wonder if anyone run into troubles with dead pixels or "Dead Pixel Policy" ?
Mini-Review would be really nice =)

I hope it would be helpful to allot of people

Thanks a lot.
you want to bump post for answer ill give you answer = there junk!
all systems build at sager are! reseller ratings-Sager Lifetime Rating: 5.10 / 10

They make it easy to order the product, but once you get it, you realize the horrendous quality of the product and incapable support team to help. Their policies are worse than any major manufacturer. I recommend steering clear of this company, and towards a larger manufacturer that stands behind its products, such as IBM or Alienware.
Good merchant transaction, however, very POOR PRODUCT. Have had two major malfunctions in less than two months, that have required sending the laptop back for service. Attempting to get money back now.
I received the notebook, a 5620 shortly after ordering, impressive. I sent the notebook the week after. Not only did the screen have bad pixels, but the keyboard would pop up in the middle of typing, the backspace squeaked, and after playing a DVD the screen would start acting weird and putting colors in the wrong spots, it was just... weird.

They promptly issued an RMA and sent me a new notebook. It's about 4 or 5 months after this and I'm having more problems.

When playing a game there are several white lines that range from 1 to 3 inches in length appear on the right side of the monitor, they flicker on and off and move up and down the screen, they sometimes appear when playing DVD's as well.

The screen still gets weird after playing a DVD and almost always requires a restart to fix.

Tonight, the latch that holds the monitor snapped off.

Bottom line, their product is complete $H!#. I would NEVER recommend them to a friend or associate nor would I ever consider purchasing from them again.
I bought a Sager8560 through The computer is awesome. I had a few questions and minor problems after my purchase. I called their CS and as a citizen of the USA I had an extreme problem understanding their attempt at English. I went to other sources to resolve my problem. It was not a defect or manufacturing problem. In addition, the drivers listed on the web site are ancient. They obviously do not spend any time maintaining a current set of drivers. I would recommend the computer to a friend but would warm them about the total lack of CS, unless they are Asain.
Notebook I've bought had a memory problem. The company refused to give RMA for exchange. Tech support: statements like "this computer is designed to run WinME" when I said I run Linux and Win2K, or "installing multiple operating systems could of damaged the computer" say for themselves. It took me two days of talking
to different guys to get the RMA. Never returned emails, but returned calls. First I wanted to exchange the notebook, but after all this I don't want to deal with this company anymore. Computer was returned, money was refunded, but nerve cells were not.
Purchased their top of the line 8890 ($3,900) through PCTorque (a very good company to deal with). Nothing but problems, though with Sager Support. Replaced the RAM now three times and motherboard twice. Sager will not pay for shipping to their service center and I am out an additional $125 to UPS. Tech Support personnel cannot comunicate above 2nd grade English. Extremely poor communication skills. No apologies or offers to reimburse or "make goods".
The bottom line is that the product Sager is shipping is not the quality level I'm used to. The screen hinges broke, a motherboard was bad and a battery was dead on arrival.

This wouldn't be as big an issue if Sager expressed shipped both ways (paying for shipping when the problem was thiers would be nice), was easier to call and work with and most importantly, if a rush job needed to be done, send someone out from a local computer store like Dell offers (even if they charged $50 or something for a site visit).

Am I the only one saying this? No. Just on this thread BombBuster said "My 9860 had to get RMA'd 3 times" and ej25goddess says, "My hinges failed as well, it is not an uncommon problem with poorly made laptops." and on the first review for Sager by `thesmit` says, "I probably would have kept this machine if I'd been able to get some sort of reasonable customer service. But trying to get technical support from Sager is like pulling teeth."
Buyer beware.

Best Regards,

President, T1 Shopper, Inc.
Worst customer service, ever.

I purchased a Sager 5320 (not from Sager, but from discountlaptops - an EXCELLENT vendor without whom this whole process would have been much more painful) and it had some minor issues that I found really problematic:

- the headphone audio output produced a consistent "chirping" sound
- DVDs played back extremely quietly.

Now, neither of these would normally be considered a showstopper issue - I probably would have kept this machine if I'd been able to get some sort of reasonable customer service. But trying to get technical support from Sager is like pulling teeth. First of all, they don't have a real-time phone support system; you leave them a message and they'll (in theory) call you back. I only got a call back after contacting the vendor (discountlaptops) and having them pressure Sager into contacting me. This took a DAY.
Furthermore, email support requests were responded to with a semi-literate restating of the problems that I'd written about, with no sort of solution suggested. Subsequent emails were ignored - every email I wrote would simply be unanswered, until I wrote another asking why I wasn't getting an answer. This process went on for two weeks.
Sometimes I'd get "sorry, we don't have that machine in stock to test" or "sorry, I can't reproduce these problems" (despite various laptop forums FULL of users with exactly the same issues.)
Bottom line - maybe some of these machines are well made. But without a functional support network, who cares? Is it really worth the risk?
People love to complain about Dell and the other big-name vendors, but those folks actually provide support. Sager does not. Take your business elsewhere.
I did not get my laptop directly from them, but the purchase was not the problem. The service provided by sager directly afterward was.

A Brand new $2200 system with a bad DVD drive, no problem - a fluke right? Well fluke or not I had to let them charge my CC for the value of the drive, they then sent me a new one regular ground shipping (c'mon I just spent over $2k!), then I got to pay to ship it back.

The real nightmare is with my friends computer who got one after me (yesterday) (hopefully he'll post his story here too), but to make a long story short his display didn't work out of the box, and they want to charge his CC with $2k to send him a new one, or send his back and wait up to 30 days?

What? 30 days for a system it took 4 days to build? Of course he paid for 2 day air once already, so 30 days is just not acceptible.

Sager = nice computer when it works, but when it doesn't how many times to you have to pay to ship it?

If you ever have any problems with your product, expect to wait over 4 weeks to get your computer back! Dell will have your computer back in 4 days max! What kind of business are they running here? They are so backed up on technical support that they don't even have anyone who answers the phone.

If you have extended warranty service, you have to ship it to a very incompetent third party known as Micromedics. Shipping alone takes about 2 weeks , 5 days to receive the box, 3 days in transit,3 days for the return. They are also a very small company that provide slow response.

The money you save from this store is NOT worth the hassle that you have to deal with for the life of your product. STAY AWAY!!
First off, I purchased My Sager 4870 from Very smooth transaction, no problems, great communication, I would definitely buy from them again.
My problem started the first week I received my laptop. I used the TV Tuner Remote for the first time, worked great. I tried to use it again 2 weeks later but it didn't work. I changed the batteries, still didn't work. The only thing that worked on the remote was the on/off button which turns off the whole laptop!
Second problem, pre-installed on my laptop is Nero CD burning software. It requires me to type in the Serial Number before I can use it. I tried looking for the CD software because usually the serial number or cd-key is located on it. But no CD, every CD software was included except the Nero CD.
Third Problem, after about a month of using my laptop I noticed a dead pixel on the bottom right corner! Although small it's still a defect.
I emailed Pctorque with my problems, they asked me to call Sager themselves to straighten things out. They gave me a long distance number, I didn't want to pay LD charges for something thats not my fault so I checked out the Sager website for other alternatives (ie. email, 1800#). Tried calling the 1-800 number, it can't be dialed from my area (I'm in Toronto, Canada). So I emailed them, its been over a week and still no reply.
I ordered a 5680 thru PC Torque (which I recommend). The machine was very solid, and had no deficiencies that I noticed. The problem I had was with Sagers' lack of phone support. I had several small issues that I attempted to contact Sager about. Every time, I got their answering machine "You leave message, we call you right back" They never did. I finally complained to PC Torque and they called Sager on another number and got the information I needed. So, as long as you don't need to contact them regarding your machine, then you'll be happy.
Howdy , I am a sager owner , So i can speak on the company to some extent.

I just Orderd a 5760 from Xotic PC, I have freinds who have them and they seem fine.

As far as Sager, It is a pain to deal with them. You have to Mail your Lappy back if something goes wrong , Expect 100 usd extra per breakage on shipping. IT helps to have a middle man, I had PC tourque.

I own a 8960? , that is what i am on now.

I have had, One dud sensor on the mother boads that would not let it boot( 189 for shipping) Fixed under warr

One Dead Power Supply (130 usd not under warr)

one Dead 60 gig 7200 Drive (140 usd shipping plus 100 for hte new drive)

Another Dead Power Supply that I hot Rigged with parts from the Old supply. Eventually another 130 for a new one.

one Dead batt ( sitting next to me never orderd a new one (140usd)

Broken Power Receptor on the back( not the Laptop User Error i caused it)

I personally Will never Buy a Full Blown Desk top Replacment again, peroid. Too much heat in a small box. IT might work for some, but i am too hard on equitment

I have A buddy that had Sager Lappy not a DTR(desktop replacement style super strong lappy) He has never had problems.

I have another buddy who bought a 5760 and has never had a problem even though his is on 20 hours a day.

I have another Buddy who has the Same 5760 only a alien ware version that has never had an issue.

Who ever you buy it from its mostly the Same stuff , Clevo, and hopefully name brand HDs and ram.

The great thing about Sager now , is the 3 year warr. That helps alot , and the Reason i decided to put anouther 3 grand out for a Sager again.

I purchased from Xotic this time , Best prices , and good attentive service. I can be as happy as a person can be with them at this point ( considering i have not actually touched my laptop yet)

I would have gone threw PC tourque again , but frankly their We sell laptops-We Dont sell Laptops-We might sell Laptops thing put me off, When I talked to Luke He said " I dont know I dont do the laptops anymore" Yea when Some one in the company gives me the Ole I dont know ask somebody else,After I droped 3 grand on the Last laptop , its time for me to go elsewere. That is just me , I am not saying PC tourque is a bad place to go ,Maybe the new Guys Rock I dont know.
its alot to think about when your thinking about droping 2-3 grand.

hte Clevo systems are sold under alot of diffrent badgeing. the 900 series Clveo i have ( i have it with a sager badge) have problems. I hate that i spent this much for a system that seems to break as much as it does.

But I am hard on stuff, I work on the road , in and out of my car ( Running Laptops off of Inverters Kills power supplys , not Sagers Fault)

The Reason i have steped back up to the plate on the 5760 is I know guys that Do what I do and have had Zero problems with them. Plus there is not any real diffrence in my Super hot start a fire desktop Chip , and their Ultra cool Mobile chip.

The 900 series from Clevo was a major bad choice on my part, and there seems to be other people like me that have had them break constantly. Its a speciality laptop that too many of us tried to use like a full blown desktop, you just cant do it , that is why the internet is filled with pissed off 8960-8990 Sager Owners.
You might as well buy it straight from Sager because they're the ones that will be building it. These "distributors" just take orders from "mail-drops" and forwards them to corporate, they're middle men that try fool customers into thinking they actually do more.

Most of these distributors have tried to dump Sager at one point or another, but they can't, because there's only one other distributor that will whitebox a system (build it for you at their headquarters, ship it, support it etc.) and these guys have an non-poaching agreement. So if you have ever dealt with one, the other will tell you, "Go home".

The bottom line is, if you are buying from a Sager distributor, you're buying right from Sager, then you can refer back to the lengthy post of all the problems associated with that, and the 5 out of 10 reseller rating Sager has. Sager distributors will always tell you they do it better, but DO WHAT BETTER? Take an order off the web and call it in?

Go to resellerratings and look up some of Sagers resellers such as PN, DL or any other. You will see many, many glowing reviews. Sager resellers are the best avenue to go as not only do they provide better service but they provide more customizations and better pricing. Sager machines are more often then not backed by the reseller and Sager at the same time. So you have two companies there to assist you at all times :)

Some resellers including us do allot of custom work with Sager machines and do allot of extensive work with them which is nothing different from anybodyelse.
Go to resellerratings and look up some of Sagers resellers such as PN, DL or any other.
Why look up the "reseller" when you can look up the SELLER you're "RE-selling" for? Isn't that the end of the line with the thing? That is where it comes from, right?

Sager machines are more often then not backed by the reseller and Sager at the same time. So you have two companies there to assist you at all times...
Back to the real world here for a minute, Sager builds the machine. The "distributor" is a middle man that can try to MAKE Sager do the right thing, but has almost no power whatsoever over Sager.

Sager resellers are the best avenue to go as not only do they provide better service but they provide more customizations and better pricing.
You say, "The reseller provides better service". Is that in taking the order, because you are NOT building the machine, Sager is? That statement from a Sager reseller confirms that Sager's service is less than adequate, which is why you needthe reseller in the first place instead of buying direct.

Since the word "price" is bolded in your statement, you are saying it is cheaper to go through a reseller than going directly through Sager? Since you already mentioned the service from Sager is kind of sucky, how is it the reseller has the "upper hand" when trying to get Sager to do something for your customers?

If the regular Sager customers get the 5 star treatment (out of 10 😉 ), when they pay FULL PRICE, why would they be MORE LIKELY to give preferential treatment to someone who bought through a reseller? Didn't they make less money on the deal?

Some resellers including us do allot of custom work with Sager machines and do allot of extensive work with them which is nothing different from anybodyelse.

I have a few questions. If you could DIRECTLY answer these questions so I can understand the differences between yourself and "anybody else" it would be great.
1. How do you do "allot of custom work" on these systems when you never touch, or even see them?
2. What types of "customization" and "custom work" do you do to these systems?
3. Is there a difference between a distributor "OUTSOURCING" system builds to Sager, and "anybody else" who is actually building the systems themselves?
4. Do you have ANY product ON HAND at your "headquarters"?
5. Do you even USE the Sager product at your "headquarters"?
6. Finally, Exectly HOW is a system purchased from XoticPC different from a system purchased directly from Sager, besides a name badge and price?

Once those direct questions are answered, I think that should clear up the confusing double-talk and "slight of hand" marketing and i can better understand the differences between "everybody else".
I am curious to hear some anwsers to From Co-Cos post too.

i will add in as a Two time cusomer of Sager.

Their is a diffrence from useing PC tourque and going directly to Sager.

First off Price, PC Torq is Cheaper then Sager , Xotic is the Lowest of them all.

As you point out , its the Same System , Why not save 500 bucks and go threw Xotic?

Second, There seems to be a language diffrence when I talk to people at sager, Time with Tech Support is Stressful enough , I would rather do it with an American Company that I know understands my problem.

their are only a handfull of laptops made that Can do what these laptops can do. Its not like there are Dozens of options out there. With the Clevo systems You can order the Laptop With a Couple Diffrent "names" on the sytem. Sager just happens to have the best price/power point that I personally can find. I could have gone threw RJ tech And saved 40$ over The clevo system I orderd from Xotic , But Sager has a 3 year Warr , RJtech has a 1 year Warr. On a 3 thousand dollar Lap top, that is a no brainer.
Go to resellerratings and look up some of Sagers resellers such as PN, DL or any other. Why look up the "reseller" when you can look up the SELLER you're "RE-selling" for? Isn't that the end of the line with the thing? That is where it comes from, right?
I think the main reason I started looking at these other resellers was because they all offer a level of personal care. You can email them directly, or talk via I.M. and forums. Many of the owners and reps are eager to help even if you don't buy or own their product. That genuine level of interest gains respect and trust IMO. The Seller here, Sager, appears to be more geared to dealing with companies vs individuals. If that weren't the case.. I think it would be impossible for anyone to have a rating of 10 who deals with them. Ref, XoticPC and PowerNotebooks. Sager also isn't the only one with a poor rating.. Look at Pro-star too

Sager machines are more often then not backed by the reseller and Sager at the same time. So you have two companies there to assist you at all times...
Back to the real world here for a minute, Sager builds the machine. The "distributor" is a middle man that can try to MAKE Sager do the right thing, but has almost no power whatsoever over Sager.
I think this would be subjective with what warranty you get. This issue hasn't come up in any forum I've found, except with people who got Sagers 3 year warranty. Some companies seem to offer this as an option. IMO I would stick with the resellers warranty, vs. a sager exclusive one. But every company has different offerings, so this is a question for each one individually

Sager resellers are the best avenue to go as not only do they provide better service but they provide more customizations and better pricing.You say, "The reseller provides better service". Is that in taking the order, because you are NOT building the machine, Sager is? That statement from a Sager reseller confirms that Sager's service is less than adequate, which is why you needthe reseller in the first place instead of buying direct.
Well here's another question.. How does having a computer assembled on site make it better? I would agree that a certain level of personal touch would be nice. But unless you're a really really small company, you can't build each one by yourself and still move volume to support growth. In which case..that later builder would be more of a niche thing for specific buyers. The computers are tested regardless, and customized if requested to spec. I'm sure the people selling these things on either side of the curve aren't morons.

Since the word "price" is bolded in your statement, you are saying it is cheaper to go through a reseller than going directly through Sager? Since you already mentioned the service from Sager is kind of sucky, how is it the reseller has the "upper hand" when trying to get Sager to do something for your customers?
Good question

If the regular Sager customers get the 5 star treatment (out of 10 😉 ), when they pay FULL PRICE, why would they be MORE LIKELY to give preferential treatment to someone who bought through a reseller? Didn't they make less money on the deal?
If they move in volume..they'd give a discount probably. In the end they probably aren't loosing near as much as they're gaining. Think about this. Macintosh sells Macbooks starting at 1100. How do resellers like Amazon and MacMall sell them for 100 or more less??? Business economics in a free economy is a crazy thing.

All in all, good questions, I'd also like to hear more about differences between resellers. But more to the topic of the thread, from everything I've read, XoticPC is a very trust-worthy reseller. I wouldn't hesitate to check em out should I need a Laptop. On a foot note, they offer more than just Clevo/Sager
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