M Mnx4 Distinguished Aug 10, 2001 6 0 18,510 Dec 4, 2001 #1 I was wondering what is the pll-ic? where can i find my computers pll-ic? The program doesnt really explain it to well and i can't find anything that will explain it. Help! Putting the laughter back in to Slaughter.
I was wondering what is the pll-ic? where can i find my computers pll-ic? The program doesnt really explain it to well and i can't find anything that will explain it. Help! Putting the laughter back in to Slaughter.
camieabz Distinguished Jan 29, 2001 90 0 18,610 Dec 5, 2001 #2 You'll have to give a better context. What heading is it under? Quote the paragraph or something. <b><font color=blue>~scribble~</font color=blue></b> <A HREF="http/www.ud.com/home.htm" target="_new">Help cure cancer.</A>
You'll have to give a better context. What heading is it under? Quote the paragraph or something. <b><font color=blue>~scribble~</font color=blue></b> <A HREF="http/www.ud.com/home.htm" target="_new">Help cure cancer.</A>