Apple Quietly Telling the Media Why It's Not Doomed

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Desperation knocking on the door maybe? Are they afraid of a bank (stock in the case) run that will devastate Apple's market value?

Apple changed the way we listened to music-on-the-go with the launch of its first iPod in 2001.

Yeah, there was no MP3 player before the iPod.
[citation][nom]mrmaia[/nom]Desperation knocking on the door maybe? Are they afraid of a bank (stock in the case) run that will devastate Apple's market value?Yeah, there was no MP3 player before the iPod.[/citation]

Let's make it clear for you. Apple was able to harmonize the balance of the music industry by amassing a music library available exclusively through its' products.

Yes we all know of the MP3 back in the day, I also had many MP3 players of many different sizes. However, it was none of those devices that were popular like Apple's design. So yes, they did "change" the way people listened to music.

I would suggest that Tom's reader vote with their wallets. Buy stuff from companies you support.

I am sure (not) that Apple reads and takes to heart all of the "love" expressed here on Tom's.
Apple changed the way we listened to music-on-the-go with the launch of its first iPod in 2001. Then in 2007, it changed the mobile (and gaming) scene with the introduction of the iPhone, and later the notebook sector with the MacBook Air in 2008. After that, the company destabilized the PC industry with the launch of the iPad in 2010. Now two months into 2013, the company hasn't launched anything new, just upgrades and form factor revisions to its current products.

Good. I'm sick of them changing and destabilizing things.
It's very simple actually..Apple is Apple. They haven't changed a bit. What we are seeing is nothing new...they've been to the top and back down again twice before. We are simply witnessing the cycle repeating a third time...and it will probably happen again in another 10 years. This is the nature of the closed ecosystem. When it's introduced to people who haven't experienced it before, it's very popular. It's new, exciting, and different. Once the novelty wears off, people are easily lured away by products that simply offer things that a closed ecosystem cannot.

Apple's stock run to $700 was a completely unsupported anomally. Thus, the market is now correcting and stock prices are adjusting accordingly. It's as simple as that...those who thought Apple stock was headed for $1000 (and also those who currently believe it will EVER return to $700) were/are fools who are now (and/or will be) out alot of money. Apple isn't doomed, Apple isn't ever going away completely. The company is simply returning to where it belongs. The noise and panic is created by fans and critics adjusting to the reality that Apple is simply a niche tech company. There's nothing wrong with that, they make a beautiful product. However it's a product which will not compete over the long term.
[citation][nom]alvine[/nom]I will keep on hating Apple for their apple tax[/citation]
Tax as it may be , it only affects the fans, but the law suits that Apple throws at everyone ... that`s what i hate the most about them.
Apple hit the nail on the head with products consumers wanted. Now that the competition has nearly closed the gap Apple will have to once again be more innovative to remain on top. The title is very biased towards Android fan boys but this keeps things interesting...heh.
Apple endeavored to appear to be making electronics for and marketing to the needs of outsiders and elitists, while actually making them for the masses. Now that they've succeeded in the gadget market it's biting them in the backside. They didn't innovate electronics that bring new possibilities to everyday life, they made electronics that make it easier for us to do the boring, vapid garbage we already did each day. Play simple games to pass time. Pass gossip because we have nothing smarter to do. Contact people. Listen to music to pass time. There are apps that allow creativity, I'm sure, and I'm also sure a scant few use them.

Instead the company making products for creative outsiders actually makes them for Joe Shmoe, the guy who doesn't know anything about electronics and most importantly, doesn't do anything interesting with them. The most infuriating thing about Apple fanboys is how they react with the assumption that Apple criticism from someone must mean he or she is some kind of Microsoft/HP/Dell devotee.
Apple endeavored to appear to be making electronics for and marketing to the needs of outsiders and elitists, while actually making them for the masses. Now that they've succeeded in the gadget market it's biting them in the backside. They didn't innovate electronics that bring new possibilities to everyday life, they made electronics that make it easier for us to do the boring, vapid garbage we already did each day. Play simple games to pass time. Pass gossip because we have nothing smarter to do. Contact people. Listen to music to pass time. There are apps that allow creativity, I'm sure, and I'm also sure a scant few use them.

Instead the company making products for creative outsiders actually makes them for Joe Shmoe, the guy who doesn't know anything about electronics and most importantly, doesn't do anything interesting with them. The most infuriating thing about Apple fanboys is how they react with the assumption that Apple criticism from someone must mean he or she is some kind of Microsoft/HP/Dell devotee.
It's all downhill from now on. Stevie Jobs is no longer in the Apple throne and the best thing they've got to offer for the future (that's been talked about) is the iTV HDTV which won't come close to having the same impact the previous product lines have had. Their report that "Apple will be accepted in the enterprise as Microsoft is today." is wishful thinking. It will never happen in the foreseeable future. Apple has a large cash reserve but that does not make them invincible. One failed major product line and the hit to their market cap will be massive.
Apples biggest problem is the fact that they have turned the company into a patent lawsuit business, and less about innovation.

Public views that as a huge negative on Apple's part.
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