Apple to Debut Electric Car by 2020 (Report)

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It will require a special Apple charging station that costs more than the competition charges for theirs. Also there will be a new model release once a year that gets .001% more miles per charge but is manufactured with increasingly cheaper and cheaper parts and labor every update yet always costs the same or more than the previous model. It will be the greatest car ever built because Apple invented electricity and also electric cars and will pay the patent office to prove it.
So, in 2020, we'll have an Apple car that bursts into flames when you plug it in and folds in half when you sit in it. Awesome. Just what we need.
GM and Tesla are working on electric cars that get 200 miles per charge and cost under $40,000 ... Apple is working on an electric car that is exactly the same and costs $350,000.

Also, this is going to be hilarious once they discover that nobody outside of California wants to buy electric cars, and even in California it's a dumb move to own one since the state mandates that electricity cost 45 cents per kilowatt hour.
Ten Reasons not To Buy an Apple car :
1. The first model will crash, a lot

2. The antenna won’t pick up radio (but it’s all your fault)

3. Bono will be on the stereo, whether you like him or not

4. It’ll cost twice as much as a Google car that’s also a bit bigger

5. There will be a social network to let you share your favourite drives

6. The built-in GPS will be Apple Maps

7. After three years software updates will make it slow to a crawl

8. It’ll bend badly if you drive it wearing skinny hipster jeans

9. You’ll be able to buy a solid gold version

10. And of course … the battery will run out by 4pm every day

- The Guardian -

One more reason :

If Apple sells a branded vehicle

It will likely be made by other companies in foreign factories by workers getting paid substandard wages working in unsafe conditions , working egregious hours and living under substandard conditions and of course with foreign sourced parts .

Profits will likely be held offshore as usual with overseas shell companies to avoid paying US taxes all the above in accordance with Apple's usual long standing best practices of course ?/.
Will Apple be content with and can they make the business case for

lower margins in auto manufacturing .

The other thing is the economy of scale in auto manufacturing and

the supply chains are much more expensive and complex in the

manufacture of a car than an iPhone,iPad ,PC or anything they make .

Turning raw steel,aluminum ,plastic and rubber into a car is quite

another thing as in comparison to merely designing,product, managing

the supply chains and selling products .

Apples long game is more likely infotainment and control systems for

petrol ,electric and ultimately self driving cars they can still

stay within their current high profit business model with this

strategy instead of making cars .

OTOH they could just buy Tesla or just about any other thing they

want , off topic Maybe even Comcast and TWC .
Ohh boy. Now apple has INVENTED THE ELECTRIC CAR! Just like they invented the smart phone. I just hope that it won't bend if you turn too fast.
in Quebec, their is a company that makes an electric car and can support cold temperature for about 12 000 $ (a few years ago I saw it on the news)
But can't sell it in Canada / USA because it's illegal..... (pressure form car manufacturer's and government)
We sit on a throne of lies build by companies so they can maximize their profits.
Plausible if they're going very simple and limited quantities then update and increase volume yearly from there. I reckon, slow acceleration and low top speeds. Thin tires.
I'm definitely interested to see how much the supposed Apple Car will cost if/when it comes out, and I'm interested to see how Apple upgrades CarPlay to work in one of its own vehicles.
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