Most of the time I don't have a problem with Apples pricing, but 30$ seem very high for paid TV with Commercials.. You can charge that but I don't want to see another Commercial again. Here's the Rub.. Apple TV already has all the broadcast networks for FREE just have to sit through ad's. Why now would I want to pay for it? And on top of it how Comcast and TW price set up is to the force a bundle either you pay like 80 for decent internet or it is 60 internet +20 for TV, for what apple will be providing for 30$. So how is this better for consumers? How is this changing TV? And if it takes off we will all end up paying more to IP's plus paying other companies. We all know they are going to Jack up rates to like 100$ just for 25mbs and or make Data Caps even lower. I would rather pay for a couple channels plus, hulu, netflix and google fiber. Then I might be able to come in under 100$ a month and none of it go to TW.