Are .flv and .mp4 the same?


May 24, 2012
Are .flv and mp4 videos the same? because under codec information in VLC media player they appear exactly the same.
They're containers. Different codecs can be used for different containers.
For example, if you encode a video file, you could encode it with a 264 codec, x264 codec, or XviD codec.
However, that's the compression algorithm.

The encoded video needs to be put into a container so it can be parsed and played.
In the case of XviD or x264, it could go into an .avi, .mp4, .mkv container, or others.

TL;DR-- .flv and .mp4 are containers, not codecs. The video files can have the same codecs in different containers.

What's a container exactly and what are they good for? also is one container better than another? And can I convert a file from one to another?
A container is like a zip file. Inside the zip file could be Docs, jpegs, etc. Just because something says .avi doesn't mean they are the same. Because as above .avi could be anything. In this case .avi = .zip.
flv is a flash video format. Mostly used on video websites like YouTube. mp4 is a container generally used for HD/full HD videos. However SD videos can also be parsed with mp4.